论适宜中国文化的英语教育方式 第8页
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First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Song Tianxi, who has constantly guided me in the process of my thesis writing. Without his enlightening suggestions and careful revision, this thesis would not have been completed.
I can hardly express my gratitude to my dear friend Mark for his valuable guidance and generous assistance and I am glad to take this opportunity to express my indebtedness to him for his kind help, hearted concern, great support and continuously encouragement, which I need very much.
In addition, I am greatly indebted to all the instructors at the School of Foreign Studies of Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Institute of Technology for their excellent lectures and inspiring ideas, which have benefited me a lot.
The last but not the least, I am sincerely grateful to my family, some of my good friends, of course my colleagues and classmates for their constant encouragement and valuable suggestions. It is their cooperation and generous help that make this thesis a reality. Thanks a lot for you all!
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