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论适宜中国文化的英语教育方式 第5页

更新时间:2011-4-14:  来源:毕业论文

论适宜中国文化的英语教育方式 第5页
2.3 High cost but low benefit of English education effect.
Although there is a potential market of English education in China,and large number of Chinese people are willing to learn English, the results do no commensurate with the efforts. Research indicates that the lack of investment, poor planning and not so clear policies regarding the English education in the schools and university has resulted in people deciding to learn the English language on their own. This has created vast opportunities for foreign companies such as English First in sapping people’s financial resources and providing less than adequate quality of English education. As a result of this, the system of English education in China has become multifarious and the effect of English education is low benefit with high cost.
In my opinions, the main reason of the high cost but low benefit of English education effect is that the mode and the methods of English teaching in China are inadvisable. The examinational education system contravenes the regulations of English study, and it is useless to play down the age of English learners to get a good effect of English education. Therefore, in order to solve this problem and improve the level and quality of Chinese English education, on the one hand, the mode and methods of English teaching should be reformed and the system of English education should be changed. On the other hand, English learners should try to find their ways to fit the regulation of foreign language learning.

3. The difference of English education pattern between China and America
There is a great difference between Chinese foreign teaching pattern and American foreign teaching pattern. The main difference depends on the different historical culture background and the special situation of China and America.

3.1 English education pattern in China: focus on grammar while paying less attention on English listening and speaking skills, forming “dumb English”.
Current English education in China focuses on the theoretical aspects of the language such as grammar. Though this is an important part of any language learning, it does not help the students a great deal in communicating in the language early on which is vital to keep the students be interested in the language.
What is a worse, Chinese students just get used to pattern of discovery in English study, but cannot get used to speaking activities in the class. As a result of this traditional English teaching pattern, most of Chinese students are lack of go-aheadism in English study, no mention self-study in English. Moreover, in most Chinese English class, there is always lack of discussion and communication between English teacher and students.
English classes in China are usually very large. This hampers one on one interaction between teacher and the student. Teacher typically goes over a well defined course from some text book and then focuses on examinations. Students are typically interested in obtaining high grades and rather than learning colloquial English, they memorize lessons that could be helpful in the examinations. This defeats the purpose of English classes.
It is no doubt that with this kind of English teaching pattern, thousands of millions of Chinese English learners can be rich in vocabulary and master the grammar very well, which are leading to their abilities on English reading comprehension. However, the bad side-effect which the pattern brings is more serious. The fact is that a large number of students become the dumb English learners (people who can read and write in English but can not understand spoken English or speak in English), and they never put English language theory into practice. Using the language to communicate is the most important purpose of learning English. As a result of this kind of English teaching pattern, the students’ abilities of self-learning are ignored. Especially in university, college students are lack of study-planning and high-effect in class room learning, they spend less time in previewing and reviewing of the text that they will learn and depend much on the English teacher.

3.2 English education pattern in America: pay attention to English listening and speaking skills, cultivating English language atmosphere.
American foreign teaching pattern use the communication English teaching, which is focusing much attention to language skills. At the process of English teaching, teacher and students communicate only in target language. Students are asked to discuss the topic in English by groups, with expressing, explaining and discussing their ideas, so as to exch毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ange different information.
There are four types of teaching modes in American English class. The first one is traditional mode, which is just used in primary school. With this mode, English teaching is regarded as a separate course, and primary students have this course 3-5 times a week, and 20-50minutes per class. The aim of this English teaching class is to make students know the culture of American, meanwhile, to develop the skills of English listening, speaking, reading and writing. The second kind of mode is exporting pattern. The aim is to make students to understand the language and culture of language in generally, while placing less attention on the language skills. Students have this course once or twice per week, and 20-30 minutes per class. The third kind of mode is immersion pattern. With this mode, students have to use only English or mostly in English when they stay at school. The last one is bidirectional immersion pattern. Students whose mother language is English and not English will be taught in the same class and will be taught in English and other language in half time. Besides, American English education adopts extensively English listening equipment, and computer teaching method, making full use of English video and internet resource.  

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