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远程教育论文文献英文翻译及参考 第4页

更新时间:2011-4-13:  来源:毕业论文
远程教育论文文献英文翻译及参考 第4页
Distance Learning is becoming a major issue in education
and in strategic planning for regional development. To the
college administrator it is a possible source of an entirely
new model for deploying resources for students. For busi-
nesses it is both a way of changing the traditional methods
used to teach skills and a possible new source of profitability.
For multinational organizations like the United Nations De-
velopment Programme (UNDP) or the World Bank, Distance
Learning may have the potential to deliver the precious re-
source of knowledge to some of the most destitute countries
of the earth, while at the same time stimulating the growth of
fledgling telcom infrastructures.  This article takes a brief,
sober look at Distance Learning in the context of developing
countries.  Distance Learning is a significant topic in Infor-
mation and Communications Technology (ICT) discussions
because it is both a medium and a metaphor.  As a medium,
it promises to deliver knowledge to the poorest countries and
as a metaphor it connotes the harnessing of many ICT capa-
bilities in a noble cause—what Alfred Bork calls “a new

learning paradigm.”    For those who view education as the
most important priority for the world’s poorest countries,
Distance Learning is perhaps the most significant method foraccomplishing a miraculous, leapfrogging transformation.
Even in the continent of Africa, which, by any standard, is
among the world’s poorest regions in ICT and especially
Internet deployment, there are scores of significant attempts
to implement Distance Learning.  The Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA), a significant donor in develop-
ing countries, 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文~论'文:网http://www.chuibin.com countries.  These programs use all the
technologies that are normally associated with Distance
Learning: correspondence courses, radio, television, tele-
phone, Internet, telecenters, CDROM and satellite broad-
casting.  Similar efforts are underway in developing coun-
tries in Asia, and in South and Central America.
Determining the Value of Distance Learning:Determining the Value of Distance Learning:Determining the Value of Distance Learning:Determining the Value of Distance Learning:
Too Difficult?Too Difficult?Too Difficult?Too Difficult?
Despite the proliferation of Distance Learning applications
worldwide, there has been a problem in comparing results of
technology-assisted instruction with traditional methods,
even in the most developed countries.   A recent conference

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