2.Using consolidation grouting to deal with mining rupture rock ground According to the characteristic of mining rupture foundation , the half arch block rock beam structure in cracked zone above goaf can best rengt hened by using consolidation grouting method , which makes the foundation form a integrated , stable half arch rock structure. Designed grouting area is 637 m in this project and the average stage height of grouting is 8 m. In practice ,seven grouting holes have been drilled. The mate rial used in grouting is 425# Portland cement .
3.Measures of designing deformation resistant structure
In order to guarantee dependability of designing , a space finite element model is adopted to analyze the structures with 6 floors and 8 floors of main building. The model analyzed different basis forms , considering inner force and section adjust ment under 10 kinds of combination circumstance ,such as static burden , dynamic burden, earthquake force , the influence of ground deformation and wind burden. The purpose of the analyses is to select the suitable structure stiffness. After many times of analyses and adjust ment , the dist ribution of reinforcement bar was designed. The flexible measurements were used in both units with 8 and 6 floors. Between the two indispensable units , 100 mm deformation fissure has been left .
4.Implementing effect
To verify designing reliability and to ensure safety , the ground subsidence and structure stress were monitored. According to the analyzing of 优,文-论~文^网http://www.chuibin.com strengt hening region rupture ground and deformation resistant structure are successful , and these methods guaranteed the main buildingps safety.
1) The deformation of rupture rock mass in goaf is the main reason leading to collapse area terrene residual deformation. Under the condition of deep goaf , the major terrene residual deformation is a slow subsidence process , and reinforcing buildingp deformation resistant ability is the main way of potecting its safety.
2) Under the influence of external force , the rupture rock mass losing its st- ructure steadiney is the main reason leading terrene to seriously subsidence deformation in shallow goaf. Strengt hening half arch block beam above the shallow goaf ,increasing the steady and carrying capacity of rupture rock mass ground are the main methods to deal with unstable ground above abandoned goaf .
3) Adopting struct ure rigidity strengt hening and yielding measures to resist deformation ,improving the coordinate deformation relation among buildingps basis , ground and super structure are the basic methods to protect building in goaf safety.
(4) Practical example indicates that the safety of large sized indust rial buildings above shallow goaf can be protected after grouting and using deformation resistant structure.