Mechanism and control of ground residual deformation over longwall goaf
The deformation of rupture rock mass in goaf is the main reason for ground terrene residual deformation.Based on field measurement and similar material simulation , the rupture strata structure and its residual deformation characteristics in the longwall goaf and its overburden are pointed out. On the basis of these achievements , the authors propose the mechanism of strengthening rupture rock mass ground and the control measures of deformation resistant structure. Using the case of main coal building in Xinzhuangzi Coal Processing Plant , this paper introduces the influence of strengthening rupture rock mass and deformation resistant structure.
Key words: abandoned goaf ; residual deformation ; rupture rockmass ; deformation mechanism; deformation control
The movement and dest ruction of overburden layers caused by underground mining changed overburden engineering geology characteristics and formed the engineering geology condition of extracttion subsidence rupture rock mass ground. Even by long time 优,文-论~文^网http://www.chuibin.com overburden. Subcompaction and gap with saturated water can also be seen in caved goaf . Under the influence of inner and external factors (for example ,ground stress , underground water , superimposed load of new building) , the rupture rock mass will produce second movement and deformation , which is a serious threat to ground buildings safety.This is the main potential safety hazard that restrains large scale application of terrene in abandoned goaf .The deformation of rupture rock mass in goaf is the main reason for residual deformation in collapsed area terrene. Clarifying structure and deformation characteristic of rupture rock mass in goaf , predicting terrene residual subsidence and deformation , adopting suitable measures to strengthen rupture ground and designing reasonable building structure are the basic research directions to guarantee the safety of the buildings above abandoned goaf.
After extracting underground ore body , the overburden will move and deform t- hat induces thegreat change of the property and forms of rock ,and will form a new goaf rupture rock mass structure system composed of caving zone , fracture zone and inflection subsidence zone (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Rupt ure rock massst ruct ure over longwall goaf
According to a large amount of field inspectionand simulation research results , abandoned goaf’s‘liven up’ and the mechanism of extraction rupture ground unstability can be analyzed as follows :
1) The rupture rock pieces above the edge of longwall goaf articulate with each other and form a construction similar to half arch struct ure with one of its foot t- rending to coal wall. In this structure ,the first and second rupture rocks play key role in the relatively stable structure of rock mass above goaf. If these key rocks lose their stability , they will influence overburden , and produce strata movement and deformation again , then extent toterrene further.
2) The block beam above longwall goaf results in the difference of the crack rockps compactivities in various positions of caving zone. There is unstowed cavity around open off cut , terminal line ,up and down crossheading ( around the edge of goaf). From edge to center of goaf , caving zonecan be divided into sub compaction area , cavingrock accumulated area , caving rock compaction area and full compaction area.
参 考 文 献优,文-论~文^网http://www.chuibin.com
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