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java对象英文文献及翻译 第3页

更新时间:2011-3-2:  来源:毕业论文
java对象英文文献及翻译 第3页
Everything is an Object
Although it is based on C++, Java is more of a “pure” object-oriented language.
Both C++ and Java are hybrid languages, but in Java the designers felt that the hybridization was not as important as it was in C++. A hybrid language allows multiple programming styles; the reason C++ is hybrid is to support backward compatibility with the C language. Because C++ is a superset of the C language, it includes many of that language’s undesirable features, which can make some aspects of C++ overly complicated.
The Java language assumes that you want to do only object-oriented programming. This means that before you can begin you must shift your mindset into an object-oriented world (unless it’s already there). The benefit of this initial effort is the ability to program in a language that is simpler to learn and to use than many other OOP languages. In this chapter we’ll see the basic components of a Java program and we’ll learn that everything in Java is an object, even a Java program.
You manipulate objects
with references
Each programming language has its own means of manipulating data. Sometimes the programmer must be constantly aware of what type of manipulation is going on. Are you manipulating the object directly, or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation (a pointer in C or C++) that must be treated with a special syntax?
All this is simplified in Java. You treat everything as an object, using a single consistent syntax. Although you treat everything as an object, the identifier you manipulate is actually a “reference” to an object. You might imagine this scene as a television (the object) with your remote control (the reference). As long as you’re holding this reference, you have a 优"文-论'文,网http://www.chuibin.com object connected to it. So if you want to hold a word or sentence, you create a String reference: String s;But here you’ve created only the reference, not an object. If you decided to send a message to s at this point, you’ll get an error (at run time) because s isn’t actually attached to anything (there’s no television). A safer practice, then, is always to initialize a reference when you create it: String s = "asdf";However, this uses a special Java feature: strings can be initialized with quoted text. Normally, you must use a more general type of initialization for objects.
You must create all the objects
When you create a reference, you want to connect it with a new object. You do so, in general, with the new keyword. The keyword new says, “Make me a new one of these objects.” So in the preceding example, you can say: String s = new String("asdf");Not only does this mean “Make me a new String,” but it also gives information about how to make the String by supplying an initial character string.
Of course, String is not the only type that exists. Java comes with a plethora of ready-made types. What’s more important is that you can create your own types. In fact, that’s the fundamental activity in Java programming, and it’s what you’ll be learning about in the rest of this book.
It’s useful to visualize some aspects of how things are laid out while the program is running—in particular how memory is arranged. There are six different places to store data:
1. Registers. This is the fastest storage because it exists in a place different from that of other storage: inside the processor. However, the number of registers is severely limited, so registers are allocated by the compiler according to its needs. You don’t have direct control, nor do you see any evidence in your programs that registers even exist.

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