浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第8页
This term can be defined as the lines of characters, the music and dynamic pictures in the film that are interconnected and interactional closely and harmoniously. They impact on each other and make complementarities to each other. Thus the body language of actors including nodding, shaking heads, gesture and so on, ought to be considered as a part of film language. As a result, the film language is divided into two groups, verbal language and nonverbal language, which stands out among the translation field. Yet the two groups are not independent, instead, the former lays the foundation for the latter, while the latter one refrains and reinforces the former. The following one can best explain that.
Example ﹙8﹚
Principal: I want to show you something,. Now, this is normal. Forrest is right here. The state requires a minimum IQ of 80 to attend public school. ﹙Forrest Gump﹚
The dialogue occurred when the young Forrest Gump was lead by his mother to the principle of the elementary school. A famous translator made it translated as “甘普夫人,我给你看样东西。你看,这个位置是正常的,福勒斯特。政府规定智商在80 以上的人才能上公立学校…”if only listen to the lines, the audience may be confused by “却在这”, however, when the principle talked with Mrs. Gump, he pointed at a certain place in the map hanged on the wall. So, that is to say, the harmonious integrity of the verbal language and nonverbal language could make the translation more convenient and effect naturally at the same time.
3.2 Cross-cultural Communication
Nowadays, it becomes apparent that translating films is not merely a linguistic issue but rather an activity that is "conditioned to a large extent by the functional needs of the receiving culture and not, or not just, by the demands made by the source films" (Delabastita 1990: 99). The Theory of Cultural Translation points out that target culture, determining most valuable information, is the key factor in translation. The translation “should not only convey the meaning of one language in another language, but clarify the new cultural and aesthetic system” ( Susan Bassnett 1990:25) According to Susan Bassnett, a noted English scholar of comparative literature, when the text translation is carried out, in fact, it is the translators’ recreation, which is of great practical use. And there is no doubt a great diversity between the target language and source language. Thus, how to achieve cultural function equivalence between target texts and source texts as well as how to realize the harmonious psychological reaction for target audience is always the essential task for translators.
Moreover, there is little wonder films can be a tremendously influential and extremely powerful vehicle for transferring cultural values, ideas and information. Different cultures are presented not only verbally but also visually and aurally, as film is a polysemiotic medium that transfers meaning through several channels, such as picture, dialogue and music. Ite毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.comms which used to be culture-specific tend to spread and encroach upon other cultures.
Furthermore, in recent years, along with the departure from the notion of melting pot, there has been a considerable rise in the interest in multiculturalism and national diversity. For several decades almost every country in the world has fashioned its own unique tradition of filmmaking as well as rendering foreign productions into the target language. Certain styles have come to be known and instantly recognized by viewers all over the world. Translation in the form of subtitling seems to go along those lines. While meeting and satisfying viewers' expectations and curiosity concerning other cultures, it ensures the originality and hence the foreignness of films. At the same time, unlike dubbing, it allows the original soundtrack to be retained and thus "the integrity of a holistic performance to be preserved" (Mera, 1999:75). And hence, the characteristic features of particular artists' style are maintained and insights into the characters can be gained "through the inflections of their voices". Yet subtitling is an excellent transmitter of culture since it stresses the foreign nature of a film and it is a source-culture-bound translation.
From the discussion above, it appears that subtitling can be considered that the crucial role of the source culture is stressed, foreign identity highlighted and the influence of the target culture minimized.
3.2.1 Focus on the Target Culture
We will directly understand this point from the following examples, chosen from the well-known films.
Example ﹙1﹚
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