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浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第5页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第5页
As far as film translation is concerned, different countries may adopt a different tradition of translating films and subscribe to one of the two major modes: dubbing and subtitling, either form of audiovisual translation ultimately plays a unique role in developing both national identities and national stereotypes. This paper will focus on subtitling translation (translation of lines in English films) only, that is not to say the former one is less worthy of academic research. In contrast, analysis of dubbing translation plays a vital part on the academic circle, and it is only disregarded here for reasons of clarity and lucidity of argumentation.
The first part of this paper begins with the background of film translation, including the academic context in the modern world, the status as well as the particularities of film translation and so on, next trying to account for them from the perspective of how to adhere to “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in the translation with a lot of typical illustrations from the famous and popular foreign films. Subsequently, an attempt is made to show the perspective of adopting these three widely-acknowledged principles in the film translation. The paper aims to demonstrate that if the principle of translation, “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”, can be best employed in harmony with the original text and the target culture in the area of film translation, we may see the academic and commercial power of film translation in a new height.
Ⅱ  Analysis on the Translation Principles
2.1 Implication of Subtitling Translation
Before presenting how to adhere to “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in the translation of the lines in films, a closer look at the accurate implication of movies’ lines as well as the above-mentioned principles is a must.
The line, consisting of dialogues, monologues and off-screen voices, is a key factor in a film. It serves as a channel for the audience and actors to communicate, bridging the gap between the two. In simple terms, lines refer to the words the actors learn and say in a play. However, when translating the movie, the translators prefer to substitute the term of subtitling translation for lines’ translation, although it is true that there is certain difference in their exact signification, for the latter is often understood as follows: Subtitling, supplying a process of translating the spoken source language dialogue into the target language in the form of synchronized captions, usually at the bottom of the screen, is the form that alters the source text to the least possible extent and enables the target audience to experience the foreign and be aware of its 'foreignness' at all time (Zhang,1992:11).  

Though different from its counterpart ---literal translation, the subtitling translation is no doubt a component of the translation field, and hence, such kind is supposed to accord with the general rules and methods adopted by the circle of translation. Certainly, that is not to say we would ignore the differentia. On the contrary, the type of the movie, the response from the target audience as well as the acoustical effect and the like, signaling the subtitling translation, should be taken into serious consideration and translated through special methods. The principle of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in the translation, put forward by the famous ancient Chinese Mr.Yanfu has been always thought highly among the scholars. Accordingly, that also can be used to translate lines in foreign movies but may differ in the understanding and specific methods due to the particularities of film translation.
2.2 How to Adhere to the Principles of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in Translation
Firstly, as to the respect of subtitling transl毕业论文http://www.chuibin.comation, the principle of Faithfulness means the lines’ translation is requested to be loyal to the movie itself, rather than try to make translation correspond to every line in the screen to a 100% degree. Or, in other words, Faithfulness can be understood as movie-oriented in the film translation. Moreover, taking into account of the commercial value as well as the aesthetic faculties, subtitling translation enjoys more freedom relative to the other types, so we may come across some sentences that appear to completely dissimilar with the actors’ words when watching a movie. Yet, no matter what methods are employed, the translation must reflect the movie’s content, theme and style instead of making random choices. Since the lines stand in the heart of a film, hence only when the translators get a clear picture of what the films want to convey to the audience can they make the translation of lines reach the standard of Faithfulness. Otherwise, the effect would turn in the opposite way.
Secondly, the principle of Expressiveness here refers to the translation should favor the target audience, either the contents or the structure. In other words, Expressiveness, which particularly attains much attention from Mr.Yanfu, equals to the demand of audience-oriented in the subtitling translation. As the audience is the most important factor to measure the quality of a translated foreign film, this principle should be given top priority. Before that, it is surely a wise choice for us to get a clear picture of the lines in the movie. It goes without saying that lines function as a way of depicting the story, coloring the character and reflecting the inner mind of impersonators. The authentic manifestation of the social communication witnesses the artistic charm of the lines, which may penetrate into the audience’s hearts. Based on that, the lines’ translation should not only be flowing and transpicuous but deserves more concern over the response of target audience, such as whether the audience may misunderstand or feel confused. Certainly, during such a persisting process towards the level of Expressiveness, the biggest obstacle that faces the translator lies in how to deal with the expressive manner bearing with the obvious English cultural phenomenon. Also here another factor not expected to neglect is the language characteristic of the film translation –the lip rounding. It is vital to take this into consideration in order to realize the Expressiveness, for different languages vary in the utterance of speech. The translation should accord with the speed, the length of the words from actors. Perhaps such consideration just demonstrates the particularity of subtitling translation in terms of Expressiveness.

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