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商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第7页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第7页
(a) Write the important points in a few key words or figures in a clear, brief, relevant, concrete and specific way.
(b) Phrase the subject line so that it tells the reader what to do, instead of, or in addition to, what your message is about.
(c) Resist the temptation to use attention-grabbing, statements just to get your message read. In other words, overuse of “priority” or “urgent” will reduce its effect.

Poor: trade show
Better: three promotional items to showcase at our next trade show

Poor: new software
Better: beefing up our messaging capabilities

Poor: meeting
Better: meeting to discuss summer vacation schedules

Poor: quarterly result
Better: third quarter sales up15%

2) The body
After the identification elements in the header, a salutation starts the body, the actual text of the message. The body is always separated from the header 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.comby a blank line. When composing the body, be sure to use reader-friendly editing techniques. You have to make sure that your intended font features, such as boldface and italics will be compatible with the recipient’s computer and e-mail system.
More e-mail messages are less than three paragraphs in length and fit into the first screen. If the message is too large, it would be better to write a short covering letter and have the details in an attachment.
2.1.2 Linguistic Features
E-mails used in different discourse communities reveal different level of informality. Figure 1 shows the style flexibility continuum in written communication. Personal correspondence and legal documents are the polar extremes of informality and formality while correspondence in academic and business communities varies along a continuum from informal to formal. Even used in the same business discourse community, different media including letters, faxes, telexes and e-mails also vary in terms of formality. Among them, commercial e-mails tend to be more informal.

Informal <                                                           > Formal
e-mails/letters  Academic
letters Commercial
e-mails Telexes
faxes Business
Fig.1 The style flexibility continuum in written communication

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