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商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第6页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第6页
Poor: The offer is open for five days.
Better: The offer is open for five days inclusive of the date of dispatch.
In conclusion, no one can ignore the important role that played by a business letter in business communication, therefore, it is necessary for us to take our business English writing to a higher level. We need to grasp the seven “C” principles which are the key points to write the business letters well. Finally, we need to understand that the seven “C” principles are complementary to each other, and in actual use we need to take all principles into consideration.
2. How to Distinguish the Formal and Informal Business Correspondences
Business correspondence’s language has a special style. At the same time, its content and expression are different from personal correspondence. As Martin Joos (1962) said there are five classifications of English style. Business correspondences intervene in the frozen style and consultative style. It is formal style. Personal correspondences intervene in casual style and intimate style. From all the above, we can draw a conclusion that compares with the personal correspondence, business correspondence is more formal. The relationships between companies, the familiarity between the reader and the writer, or even a difference in culture may have an affect in the actual operation of business activities. Because of the familiarity and closeness between the two companies, informal business correspondence is still widely use. The formal and informal correspondence has the common basic, but they still have the notable differences, which are found in language.
2.1 An Analysis of Modern Informal Business Correspondence (E-mail)
The closing years of the twentieth century saw the introduction and widespread adoption of e-mail as a means of corporate communication. It seems to have assumed tasks from the telephone. It is used primarily to spread information quickly, often to a large audience at one time. Generally, the primary use of e-mail is to 1) exchange information; 2) deliver documents for information and / or for comments; 3) inform employees about corporate issues. Compared to the telephone, e-mail creates flexibility in the workplace while reducing telephone interruptions. Another competitive advantage of the email over the telephone is e-mails can be printed to produce a paper trail. Paper trail can act as evidence in an event of a dispute. 
2.1.1 Layout
The format of e-mail messages is memo-styled. The header, the body, and the signature constitute the main parts of an e-mail message. The specific layout of an e-mail message depends on the software used by companies.

1) The header.
The Date, the Sender, the Recipient, the Subject, the Priority, the Carbon Copy constitute the header. They are the message’s vital components.

Date: automatic insertion by the software. This is the date and time the message was sent. Sender: an element. This is the e-mail address and (usually) the real name of the person who sends the message. Recipient: an obligatory element. This is the e-mail address of the recipient, a full e-address, a nickname or a prompt. Priority: an optional element. Priority marker such as an exclamation mark (!) signaling “of prime importance”. Carbon copy is the “courtesy copy” line, and it shows the e-mail addresses of people who receive copies of the message. Subject: an optional element, but an efficient practice to include it. This is a one-line description of what the message is about. This line is crucial because most businessmen with busy e-mail inboxes decide whether they will read a message just by scanning the subject line. An effective subject line will help your messages get read, if not your messages may be deleted before reading because of a vague subject line.
The subject line is the first thing the recipient of your e-mail sees. A concise and informative subject line can prompt a recipient to read your message. How to make an effective subject line?

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