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商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第4页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第4页
The writer should keep in mind what he/she wants to say in a letter. We can not let the reader misunderstand us or our intention. Therefore, we need to avoid using imprecise and obscure words. It is welcomed to use the simplest language, plain and simple words are easier to be understood. A properly paragraph is required for the purpose of clarity. Generally, one paragraph should surround one topic. Clear correspondences abound with sincerity.

1) As to the steamer sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles, we have bimonthly direct services.
 Bimonthly has two definitions. It could express twice a month or once two months. So, it is very easy to be understood. Therefore, it needs to be revised as follows:
(a) We have two direct sailings every month from Shanghai to Los Angeles.
(b) We have a direct sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles every two months.

2) (a) Only we shall be able to supply 10 tons of this item.
(b) We shall be able to supply only 10 tons of this item.
“Only” in the different positions, then the sentences have different meanings. We should pay more attention to that. First sentence infers that no one else can supply this item that much --only we can supply 10 tons. Second sentence means our stock just has 10 tons.

1.2.4 Completeness
The business correspondence should contain all the necessary information. Avoid using postscript, if not, the reader will feel your attitude is not sincere and you are not doing business seriously. An incomplete letter will upset the reader by not telling the information that is needed. Additionally, this will delay each other’s work.
For example, if the buyer accepted an offer, then he/ she should reply it in accordance with the contents. Generally, we could summarize them as “5Ws” (who, what, when, where, why) and “1H” (how), which help to check the completeness of the correspondence. Who places the order? What is the product? When to pack? Where is the port? How to pay? If you have some special request, you need to explain “why”.

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