关于文化信仰与社会之间构成良性互动的研究 第3页
Long Mu Faith experienced another peak of development in the Qing Dynasty. Long Mu was coffered “Zhao Xian”, “Pu You”, “Guang Yin” successively, besides that, the most outstanding event was the substantially rebuilding of Long Mu temple. In the 31st year of Guang Xu (1905), Shun De Dong Yu Tong raised capital for Long Mu temple’s reconstruction, which drew the most skillful craftsmen of Guang Dong and Guang Xi Provinces. The construction project was completed by craftsmen’s painstaking efforts after several years. At that time, Chen Ding Sang, a person from Shun De, invited the Number One Scholar—Luo Cheng Xiang to bear an inscription “Long Mu Ancestral Temple” on a plaque in red Kai calligraphy. And the plaque was hung in front of the Temple gate, thus it extended the Temple’s influence through the region. So, the ancestral temple name we called today is from that time. In addition, the decorated archway was also rebuilt with granite and born an inscription “Imperial Decree”, and it is in concert with the Temple, Which makes the scene more magnificent and more sacred.
According to the Temple Chronicles, large scale temple fair is held from Tang and Song Dynasties during the Long Mu Birthday's Festival. More than a hundred of thousands devotees and tourists from Guang Dong and Guang Xi Provinces, Hong Kong, Macao, Hunan, Jiang Xi, Fu Jian and Gui Zhou Provinces deluged with the Yue Cheng Long Mu Ancestral Temple. And also many civilian organizations came from different places by boat. The confluence of the Xi River and the Yue Cheng River was crowded with boats. Besides the celebration, other temporary imperial palaces also held all kinds of competitive activities. There seems to be an extraordinary number of people around for the day. The roar of firecracker reverberated and smell of gunpowder penetrated in Yue Cheng. In South China, like the Goddess Matsu of the Sea, the growth in popularity of Long Mu has been dynamic, which works marvels.
Because the thought of atheism, social politicalization spread all over the country during the latter revolutionary period (1949-1979), Long Mu Faith has been considered as ignorant and backward feudalistic superstition and have been criticized and even forbidden for a long time. The statuaries, sculptures, tribute desks and censers, etc. of the Temple were broken as the "four olds", the 500 square meter mural painting were blotted out with cement. The Long Mu Statue is said to be thrown into Yue Cheng River, and the Temple was converted into a granary.
Since 1980s, Long Mu Faith has had the upsurge of revival, which demonstrates its dogged vitality and great adaptability. A new development period of Long Mu Ancestral Temple comes again after the end of restoration. In the first reopening year, just over 10,000 people came to the Temple; later, the number of tourists has increased with years, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands; nowadays, more than a million people visit Long Mu Ancestral Temple. Apart from the three important festival of the Spring Festival, Long Mu Birthday’s Festival, Long Mu Death Anniversary, the special days of the New Year's Day, National Day, May Day, Women's Day, Two-day weekend, Missed Date (the 1st and 15th days of each lunar month) are also the rumbling time of the year, which demonstrates that Long Mu faith and tourist recreation interacts and helps each other forward.
Through studying the History and Current Status of Long Mu Cultural Faith, the author considers that such Faith is a folk cultural tradition with a long history. Despite the Faith was gone around among folks, it exercises a strong influence that was a consequence of the establishment of its orthodoxy by the generous conferment of ancient feudal states. This influence still plays an important role today for the continuity of cultural tradition, and at 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.comthe same time, it is more tempting for the people who could not get rid of the material and spiritual difficulties in a short time. But actually, today Long Mu Faith can not stand comparison with the past, people get more rational considerations when they attend irrational faith activities and also deal with the relation between human beings and God in tolerant and peaceful manner. The purpose of sacrifice is not only tied to blessings, but also endued with the modern recreation color. It is in this sense that we can regard the Long Mu Faith as a folk-custom in modern life.
2 Community Meritorious Service Capacity of Long Mu Faith
2.1 Forms of Long Mu Faith Expression
Wu bing’an suggested, “Throughout the ages, people’s living goals and needs are the basic reasons for folk-customs’ formation, succession, preservation and application. As long as the living goals and needs are without satisfaction, they will express their wishes and needs by all kinds of folk customs ceaselessly.” Folk faith would be transformed into local folk-custom activities. Further, Long Mu Faith has been transformed into a folk-custom activity for its local influence and long existence.
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