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企业管理外文参考文献及译文 第3页

更新时间:2010-12-6:  来源:毕业论文
企业管理外文参考文献及译文 第3页
depends upon the information to actuate.This tendency had demonstrated provides correct and the prompt information importance to the practical work personnel.In order to enable the decision-making with the disperser way to approach in the customer, the enterprise internal information flow also decentralizes, organizes internal correspondence continuously to arrive the lowest responsibility level downward, upward may arrive the high-level management level, and crosswise circulation in between enterprise's each department, each community. These have only displayed to between the control section and the staff effective, the bidirectional communication system concrete expectation.Positive and the public communication overcomes the reform unstable good medicine.The enterprise environment change is bigger, more needs and the staff carries on the communication, is responsible for the enterprise leaders who reforms more have to expand the communication.The people believed generally that, lacks the information communication is reforms the defeat the most basic reason. Because the top-down unidirectional reform has not already worked, therefore needs to carry on is the bidirectional interaction, promotes mutually -like reform this to need staff's early participation and the true consultation. But in this process, often must carry on the massive communications, including between individual 原文请找腾讯752018766优;文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com ) exchange and communication, between community and community's exchange and communication, official and unofficial exchange and communication.
To the superintendent, carries on the communication with the staff is very important. Because the superintendent who wants to make the decision-making have to obtain the correlation information from subordinate, but the information can obtain only through subordinate's between communication; At the same time, the decision-making needs to obtain the implementation, also must carry on the communication with the staff. The good idea, again some unique interpretation suggestion, again consummates the plan, left all is unable with staff's communication to realize. The communication goal lies in the transmission information. If the information has not been transmitted in unit's each staffs, or the staff correctly had not understood superintendent's intention, the communication appeared the barrier.  How can the superintendent and the staff carries on the effective communication?
    1. Let the staff to communicate the behavior to make the feedback
Communication is the biggest barrier to lie in the staff promptly to misunderstand or understands accurately to superintendent's intention. In order to reduce t the occurrence of this question, the superintendent may let the staff make the feedback to superintendent's intention.For instance, after you have arranged a duty to the staff, you may then inquire to the staff: “You have understood my meaning?”Simultaneously requests the staff to repeat the duty. If repeats content with superintendent's intention consistent, the showing communication is effective; If the staff comprehended to superintendent's intention had the mistake, might carry on the correction promptly.Or, you may observe their eye and other carriage action, understood whether they are receiving your information.
2. Uses the different language for the different person
In the identical organization, the different staff often has the different age, the education and the cultural context, this possibly causes their paraphrase with the speech has the different understanding.Moreover, as a result of the specialized division of labor unceasing deepening, the different staffs all has different “the shoptalk” and the technical terminology.But the superintendent often does not pay attention to this kind of difference, thought oneself said the speech all can understand appropriately by other people, thus has created the barrier to the communication. ecause the language possibly can create the communication barrier, therefore the superintendent should choose the vocabulary which the staff is easy to understand, causes the information clearly to be clear about. In transmission important information time, in order to eliminate the negative influence which the language barrier brings, may first tell the information not familiar is connected the content person. For instance, in front of official assignment duty, lets have the possibility to produce the misunderstanding staff to read the written speech manuscript, first makes the explanation to they not clear place.

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