顾客的品牌资产为目的地英文文献及翻译 第3页
概念模型,这项研究是基于理论贡献,大部分是Aaker (1991)和Keller (1993)从品牌资产的领域进行研究。 因为他们的贡献主要是针对产品品牌,转移到目的地品牌慎重考虑。许多以前的研究结果,在旅游目的地的形象区(Echtner 和 Ritchie 1993;Gallarza et al 2002;Hunt 1975)提供了宝贵的背景。根据研究结果,一个概念模型,包括四个层面(意识、形象、感知质量和忠诚度)的建议。在说,这是低阶因素,而整个观念是高阶。即使同种成分,图像仍然可能牵涉到更多的,可能会被人嘲笑了创建其他文尺度。举例来说,意识包括不同层次的旅游目的地的识别:顶记、自建品牌召回和品牌知名度。此项研究的目的是找出并侧重于具体的层面,可能形成的品牌资产某一目的地,而不是找出所有可能的尺寸(或录取),可载形象忠诚意识,或任何其他人。那些选择在这里并不是唯一的甚至最揭示各市场。但他们都是这似乎最适合本研究考虑市场的来源和去向进行研究。批评这项业务变量应有所不同,是多一个论点研究未来比现在。 过程如图2随后变量,确定了各层面涌现出来。概念模型这里提出一个线索断定之间的关系方面存在的重要性,每个各异。
假说。以下Aaker(1991)和Keller (1993)的品牌资产分类,Yoo 和 Donthu (2001)的影响之间的关系的认识、形象、品质和忠诚度方面,不同产品类别横跨几个文化。最近的研究没有雇用所有这些方面,虽然已经引起了一些(认识、忠诚)或多次(形象)上的调查。研究者结合的形象概念,与其他层面。因此,Milman 和 Pizam (1995)合并的概念目的地形象的意识层面,虽然比Bigne 等人(2001年)提升了质量和尺寸相关变数的态度忠诚的概念。其他一些研究调查,有关系的形象、态度或行为变量( Milman 和 Pizam 1995; Woodside and Dubelaar 2002)。很明显,从以往的研究认为彼此关系的建议方面存在的。因此,这些孤立的,为研究这个文件应该表现出某种关系的整个概念,以消费者为基础的品牌资产目的地(CBBETD)。下列假设为指导这项研究。外文文献原文
The paper introduces the concept of customer-based brand equity and applies it to a destination. The theoretically proposed and empirically verified model complements previous research findings on a destination’s evaluation from the tourist’s perspective. In addition to numerous studies, which have stressed the importance of image, the results of this study imply that an image plays a vital role in evaluation but is not the only brand dimension that should be considered. For a原文请找腾讯752018766优.文"论'文,网
http://www.chuibin.com brand dimensions.
Keywords: Brand, Destination, Image, Awareness, Loyalty
Branding has existed for centuries as a way of distinguishing the goods of one producer from those of another, while modern branding finds its origins in the 19th century (Room 1992). According to this, a brand can be treated as a legal instrument, logo, company, identity system, image, personality, relationship, and/or as adding value. A combination of all these perspectives is embodied in the definition of de Chernatony and McDonald, which equates a successful brand to ‘‘an identifiable product, service, person, or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs most closely [and] its success results from being able to sustain these added values in the face of competition’’ (2001:20). A significant amount of effort has been devoted to addressing the complex nature of a brand. In face of various interpretations, de Chernatony and McDonald argue that it should be understood from an input perspective as, for example, in the way managers emphasize the use of resources to achieve a customer response. Alternatively, a brand can be viewed from an output perspective, as in the way customers interpret and use it to enhance their personal experience. De Chernatony (1999) argues further that modern analysis should treat both the brand identity concept (Aaker and Joachimsthaler 2000; Kapferer 1998) and brand equity concept (Aaker 1991; Keller 1993) as interrelated. By equity is meant the sum of factors (or ‘‘dimensions’’) contributing to a brand’s value in the consumer’s mind.上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页
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