家族企业企业文化外文参考文献及翻译 第3页
http://www.chuibin.com 化形成是一个渐渐的过程, 只有通过反复的宣传和强化,将员工的感性认识上升到理性认识,将少数人的观念逐渐变为大多数员工的共识,才能真正发挥企业文化的导向、凝聚、激励和约束功能,企业的价值才能得到大大的提升,家族企业才能实现可持续发展。
Despite the lack of independent directors on their boards and voting power for minority shareholders, family-run companies are still the better bet for all stakeholders as long as the founder of the firm is involved as chief executive officer or chairman. If the descendent of a founder runs the company, value is lost.
Those are some of the conclusions of a paper by Wharton professor Raphael (Raffi) Amit and Harvard Business School professor Belen Villalonga. The paper - "How Do Family Ownership, Control and Management Affect Firm Value?" - suggests that family ownership of corporations performs better than non-family firms when the founder serves as the CEO of a family firm or as its chairman with a hired CEO. When a descendent serves as the CEO of a family-run company - even if the founder remains chairman - the firm's market value declines.
Amit and Villalonga analyzed proxy data on all Fortune 500 firms from 1994 to 2000. For the purposes of the study, a family firm was defined as a company where the founder or member of the family by either blood or marriage was an officer, a director or the owner of at least 5% of the firm's equity either individually or in a group. Some of the most successful U.S. companies, including Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Heinz, Rubbermaid and Black & Decker, are family-run. The hallmark of each of these companies is a founder who had vision and the managerial skills to rally employees around a business.
But performance slips when the founder's vision is diluted by descendents, as shown by such firms as Ford Motor and Motorola. William Ford Jr., a fourth generation descendent of Henry Ford, now runs the giant auto manufacturer, which recently reported that September sales fell 7% from a year ago - in part a reflection of stiff competition from Japanese rivals. William Ford Jr. had been brought in three years ago to revive the company. Wireless phone maker Motorola, facing tough competition from Nokia and Samsung, saw CEO Christopher Galvin, whose great-grandfather founded the company, officially hand over the reins to former Sun Microsystems executive Edward Zander in January.
By the numbers, family firms in Amit and Villalonga's sample are younger (62.68 mean years vs. 72.19 for non-family firms), deliver better sales growth (19.6% for family firms vs. 13.8%) and have higher return on assets (11.6% vs. 10.9%). Amit points to some of the negatives of family businesses - notably different levels of voting rights among shareholders, cross-holdings and voting blocks, all of which are designed to keep company control in family hands.
But even with those control issues, family-run companies still do better for shareholders if the founder remains involved. The ideal family company for minority shareholders is one where the founder is CEO or chairman of a firm that does not have any control-enhancing mechanisms such as Class A and Class B super voting and nontradable shares. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页
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