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品牌英文参考文献原文及译文 第7页

更新时间:2010-11-29:  来源:毕业论文
品牌英文参考文献原文及译文 第7页
 ④enterprise strategy is programmatic. Enterprise business strategy is to achieve long-term goals, as specified in the enterprise development direction, it will not detail specific details, highly generalized characteristics of the overall enterprise plays a general role as a guide. This strategy can also be a prerequisite for the implementation, because the business sector is not identical, and According to their enterprises to develop their own strategy for the implementation of the strategy, but the sector action is not beyond the scope of corporate strategy, So corporate strategy with programmatic features.
⑤enterprise strategy is also systemic. Enterprises. Qian also enable enterprises to strategic internal structure optimized to achieve optimal overall purpose. Enterprise strategy will systemic enterprises as a whole, not necessarily emphasize local optimum, but through local optimization overall optimal.
5、the level of corporate strategy model
The first level is the corporate strategy, the company overall enterprise strategy is the highest level of strategy. Corporate strategy focused on two aspects : First, from the overall situation of the company, according to the external environment and internal conditions, choice of enterprises engaged in the business scope and areas; Second, in determining the business activities, to the various undertakings between the allocation of resources to achieve the company's overall strategic intent, This company is the key to the implementation of the strategy measures
The second level is the cause of (business) strategy, sometimes referred to as competitive strategy. This strategic decision-making involved in the issue in selected business or in selected market products within the region. in the utilities sector should be conducted on the basis of what competition to obtain more than our competitors in the competitive edge. Therefore, the cause of the departmental managers who need to work to identify and secure the most profitable and the most prospects for the development of the markets. play to their competitive advantage.
The third level is the functional strategies. It is the functional departments, such as production, marketing, accounting, research and development, human resources, personnel management functions by the development of the short-term goals and planning, with the aim of achieving companies and the utilities sector strategic plan. Functional strategies usually include a marketing strategy, production strategies, research and development strategy, financial management strategies, human resources strategy functions strategy. If the company strategy and the strategy of the cause of stress "doing the right thing" (D oth Ha'eri ehtth Battalion ), functional strategies were stressed, "will do a good job" (Do the things right). 'It goes on to deal with these issues, such as improving production and marketing system efficiency, customer service, quality and extent of raise specific products or services in the market share and so on.
Corporate strategy, business strategies 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文;论~文.网http://www.chuibin.com whole in order to be successful, must be a coherent manner together. Enterprises each level of strategic F constitute a level of strategic environment, but, Low-level strategy to a level on achieving the strategic goal of providing protection and support.
6、The concept of corporate strategy system
Corporate strategy as a concept, including vision, mission, targets, objectives and measures five levels. Within this total, the vision, mission and strategic target companies constitute the strategic intentions and objectives and measures will constitute a strategic plan. This paper will explore the brand strategy and corporate strategy at all levels, with a view to reaching brand strategy and corporate strategy between the more deep-rooted ties
Vision is the blueprint for the development of enterprises, enterprises future aspirations; Our mission is to refer to the values and principles of enterprise, mean values of stakeholders who were the most important issue, is the so-called principle of an enterprise or organization or the existence of a written idea of the people some of the principles, creed, belief, it is business or management control of the basic orientation, which relates to the enterprise or organization's problems, is a comprehensive enterprise or organization's ability to respond, have a long life span, in enterprises or organizations play the role of stabilizer

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