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更新时间:2010-11-28:  来源:毕业论文
会计论文英文参考文献译文及原文 第5页
3、Compensation Leads in Importance
According to the CCH Young Accounting Professionals Survey, the three most important benefits and compensation attributes to young professionals are:Compensation (cited by 74 percent of respondents);Flexible Hours (cited by 51 percent of respondents); and Reward Directly on Merit (cited by 34 percent of respondents).When asked how well their firms deliver on these attributes, only原文请找腾讯752018766优,文'论'文;网http://www.chuibin.com as very good when it came to Rewarding Directly on Merit. CPAs gave their firms a higher rating for offering Flexible Hours, with 45 percent of respondents rating their firms’ benefits in this category.
4、Professional Training & Development: CPE Offerings Are Crucial
When it comes to professional training and development, young CPAs indicated that firms are more effective in this area in meeting their needs, but there is still room for improvement, according to the CCH Young Accounting Professionals Survey. Th e top three items of importance to up-and- coming CPAs are:
Support for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) (cited by 49 percent of respondents); Challenging Work Environment (cited by 37 percent of respondents); and Continuous Skill Development (cited by 33 percent of respondents) respondents ranked their firm’s Support for CPE as very good; 41 percent also gave their firms a very good rating for offering a Challenging Work Environment; and 32 percent rated their firm’s Continuous Skill Development as very good.
Firm ratings in all other key areas of training and development achieved a very good rating by fewer than one-half of the CPAs surveyed, including Client Contact Opportunities, Challenging Work Environment, Interesting Work, Support for Professional Association Involvement, Variety of Work, Continuous Skill Development, Opportunity for Advancement, and Training in Tax and Accounting Software Tools.
Pulling It All Together By Investing in Talent Management, Training & Technology for Long-term Success
The findings of the CCH Young Accounting Professionals Survey are clear. Young CPAs want: The tools they need to get their jobs done; To be developed professionally and valued and rewarded for their performance; To be challenged; and To have balance between work and personal life.
These are probably the same things that many more senior professionals also want in their own careers. What is likely very different, however, are the unique circumstances presented today in the accounting profession: namely, a shrinking workforce and an increasing demand for time and talent. Young CPAs know they have career autonomy and are open to moving on – to another firm, the corporate setting or a government position. Their loyalty is not necessarily to the firm that they work for but the organization that can deliver on those needs that are most important to them and their career development. Today, it appears that firms are not highly or consistently successful in meeting those expectations.
At the same time, firms are faced by considerable talent challenges. Not only is there the strain of fewer individuals to replace those leaving the profession, but there is also significantly more work, and more complex work, that needs to be accomplished. In fact, if a firm today were delivering the exact same services to the exact same clients it was serving five years ago, that firm’s workload still would have increased based on new compliance requirements.
Obviously, firms need to do everything they can to attract talent, and then they need to ensure their employees feel valued and fairly compensated from a pay perspective. As importantly, firms must also invest in their employees in other ways that will serve as levers to help attract and keep talent. As the results of the CCH survey show, a firm’s investment in talent management, training and technology are of high importance to young professionals. These investments are a win-win for both the employee and the firm.
1、Talent Management
Firms must ensure they are proactively developing their up-and-coming talent in a planned and deliberate way. This includes providing good career opportunities, a challenging work environment, opportunities for advancement and ongoing performance management and feedback. Employees will value the firm that values them. Firms also benefit from having a talent management program in place. By focusing on talent management, firms can build ready bench-strength so that they are best prepared to overcome challenges and optimize the opportunities ahead.

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