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网页制作Dreamweaver外文文献及翻译 第3页

更新时间:2010-11-17:  来源:毕业论文
网页制作Dreamweaver外文文献及翻译 第3页
(a) preserves the main page
The preservation moves when Dream weaver newly built blank documents.
(1) Uses File/Save. Order.
(2) In the memory dialog box chooses D: \ Sites \ Scald the site table of contents, and assigns the filename is My_ scald_ home. Html, single-clicks the preservation.
(b) Defines this page the title Defines a page title ((Page title) can help the user when the browsing the discrimination and the track homepage as the. When glances over this homepage, the page title can appearing the browser title block (title bar) on. When adds the person bookmark, the page title will be able to appear in the bookmark tabulates.
(1) chooses the menu in the documents window activation situation to order Modify I Page Properties.
(2) in page attribute (Page Properties) in dialog box title text frame key person scald Gourmet coffee.
(3) single-clicks OK, this title will be able to appear in Dream in the weaver documents window title block, like chart 8 will show.
(c) founds a page the layout In order to be advantageous for the user in the later work time conveniently will consult the Scald main page, will be supposed when the start will open it by the entire screen way.
(1) Choice menu orders File I Open, glances over Scald/Scald the site folder. Chooses Scald_ home. Html, single-clicks open.
(2) Presses the F12 key, looks at this page in advance in the browser. May let this browser window in the backstage work, needs for the user when refers.
(3) Chooses File I Close to close this documents window.
(d) Adds the superimposed layer the level regarding the foundation complex page layout said is extremely ideal, this is because may through drive the easy reset homepage intermediate deck the position and adds the superimposed layer. The lamination technology belongs to the dynamic HTML category, only some 4.0 and the higher edition browser only then supports. But is good the visitor which uses 4.0 below editions browsers in the present have already not been many, therefore the user also was allowed to feel relieved the use lamination technology. On the other hand, Dream weaver has provided between the form and the level transformation function therefore used the old edition browser the user also to give dual attention to by the greatest degree.
(1) The choice menu orders Window/Layers to open the level (Layer) the kneading board.
(2) Determination has selected Prevent the Overlap option, between such cannot occur overlaps.
(3) single-clicks My- scald- the home documents window, activates this documents.
(4) single-clicks the menu to order Insert! Layer, a level is increased.
(5) In the object kneading board (Object Palette) the center basic object (Common) in the page, single-clicks draws the charting level (Draw I Layer) the button.
(6) Transfers to the indicator in the documents window, the indicator can turn a plan tool. Draws up a new level under the first level.
(7) Duplicates 5th step of 原文请找腾讯752018766优|文^论/文-网http://www.chuibin.com deck the position and the shape. Method as follows:
(1) Single-clicks the level boundary which chooses, around the line frame can appear 8 black solid block, on the left angle also has a hollow block.
(2) Must change the level the size, only must drive the solid block with the mouse then.
(3) Must want to change the level the position, may:
* Use arrow key;
* Presses down Shift simultaneously to use the arrow key to be possible by time to move 5 picture elements the distances;
* Drives on the level left angle with the mouse the hollow block.
(f) Increases the picture
Now was allowed to increase the Scald Logo picture to the documents in goes. Sequence of operation as follows:
(1) Single-clicks on most surfaces layer any position.
(2) Choice menu orders Insert! Image,
(3) Originated (Select Image Source) in the choice picture in the dialog box to choose Site/ Scald_ site/ the Image folder, designated Logo- scald. gif, attempted in the level by now
(g) Increases the navigation picture in the homepage
(1) single-clicks lead the aerial chart level (the homepage left underneath chart level).
(2) In the object kneading board (Object Palette) on basic object (Common) in the page, single-clicks inserts the person picture (Insert) the button, will spring the choice picture to originate (Select Image Source) the dialog box.
(3) Chooses Site/Scald_ site/the Image folder, designated ban_ o up. Gif our story picture can appear in the level.
(4) Determines the next button the position. Presses the Enter key enable to have the button and must increase between the buttons to have the gap. (5) Duplicates 2 to 3 steps, increases _ product- up. gif and (h)names the picture The user best fosters to the homepage in the element naming custom. Thus, will need in later When must refer to or in the choice page surface layer and the documents element, may with ease recognize it. Now names.
(1) Clicks on our in the documents window the story picture to designate it.
(2) Enters our story in the attribute monitoring device picture area, like chart 15 shows.
(3) Duplicates 1,2 steps, the documents in other two pictures naming is Products and
(3) In homepage view increase and edition writing
(a) Will receive tries to increase the writing in the homepage, also will be increases the writing to already on the level which will found.
(b) Formatted text
May through establish the text attribute formatting text in the attribute monitoring device. In this example, in front of establishment attribute, first divides the paragraph, after first and second speech distinguishes the key person carriage return.
(1) Use menu orders Windows/Properties to turn on the attribute monitoring device.
(2) Uses keyboard quick key Ctrl + A to choose in the level all texts.
(3) Springs in the menu (opens option when the attribute monitoring device second form is Default Font) chooses one kind of typeface.

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