vb.net英文参考文献中英文对照 第2页
AutoScroll Attribute: used to obtain or set a value, which is directed automatically scroll form.
Background Image Attributes: form used to obtain or set the background image.
Back Color Attributes: form used to obtain or set the background color.
Enabled Attribute: used to obtain or set a value, which controls whether or not the instructions can respond to user interaction.
Font Attribute: used to obtain or set up a form or control text fonts.
Fore Color attribute: used to obtain or set up a form or control of the Foreground.
Visible attributes: access or to set up a value, which indicates whether show the form or control. Capture property: If the attribute value of TRUE, then the mouse will be limited only to respond to the controls, regardless of whether the mouse controls in this range.
Common method原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论~文;网
http://www.chuibin.comShow method: the role of the method is to form displayed, the call format: Form name. Show ()
Hide Method: the role of the method is to hide the form, the call format: Form name. Hide ()
Refresh Method: This method is the art form and try to refresh, the call format: Form name. Refresh ()
Activate Method: This method is to activate the form and to focus on him. Its call format: Form name. Activate ()
Close method: This method is the role of the closure of the form. Its call format: Form name. Close ()
Show Dialog Method: The method which is displayed as a modal dialog form. Its call format: Form name. Show Dialog ()
Common events
Load event: the event in the form when loaded into memory, that is, in the first before showing the form.
Activated incident: the incident occurred in the activated form.
Deactivate event: the event has become in the form loses focus when inactive form.
Resize the incident: The incident occurred when changing the form size.
Paint the incident: The incident occurred in the form redraw.
Click the incident: The incident occurred when the user clicks on the form.
Double Click events: The incident occurred when the user double-click the form.
Closed event: the incident occurred in the closed form.
Often used in VB a lot of class, we need only a few can. This includes the constant domain, methods, events, attributes, constructor, destructor and so on can be a database of several free play inside the class.
In the preparation process, the members can use different types of access modifiers, which define their access level, that is a member of category accessibility. Good accessibility to the process not only has a good scalability, at the same time the confidentiality and security. In VB.Net, in accordance with categories of members can access the class members can be divided into 5 categories, and that is a member of the public, private members, the protection of members, friends and friends of the protection of staff members. In in VB.Net. Modifier used to provide access to class members can control accessibility. .
Members of the public (public): members of the public access modifier for the public, VB.Net members of the public to provide the type of external interface, allowing users to type of access from the outside members of the public. This is at least a restricted access.
Private members (private): Private access modifier for members of private, VB.Net limited to the private members of the class members can access, from the kind of external access to private members is illegal.
The protection of members of (protected): the protection of access modifiers for members. Sometimes derived class in order to facilitate the visit, but I hope that members of the outside world is hidden, then the statement can use the protected modifier for the protection of members of members. It does not allow members to visit the outside world, but the derived class to allow its members to visit. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页
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