绿色营销的现状问题及对策研究外文文献及翻译 第3页
如果说绿色文明是一幅生态坐标的话,那么,绿色营销便是它的闪烁的亮点,因为绿色营销回应着生态文明理念。地球是宇宙中人类生存的唯一星球。社会文明发展史标明,人类在这一星球上经历了采猎文明、农业文明和工业文明之后,正在走向信息文明并孕育着生态文明。社会生态系统,是人类社会群体与生存环境的有机结合,是自然生态系统进化的必然结果和最高形态。在自然生态系统中主张以生态平衡为着眼点,要求人类尊重自然,保护自然,认识自然法则,顺应自然规律;主张善待自然,人类只能把自己当作自然界的一员,要求人类与自然和谐相处,共生共荣。 在社会生态系统中,社会发展的时间文度是过去、现在、未来三者的发展统一,具有延续性,这是坐标的横轴;社会发展在空间文度上,表现为人与自然、人与社会、人与人三者的整体统一,具有关联性,这是坐标的纵轴。时间文度的横轴与空间文度的纵轴之交汇点,便是生态坐标—绿色文明。而绿色营销则是其上的一个亮点。绿色消费,就是可持续消费。乃是人类发展模式中消费方式的一。
结 论
Green marketing status, problems and countermeasures
1 Chinese enterprises Green Marketing Status
Green marketing refers to the concept as part of its environmental management philosophy, with the green culture values, to eliminate or reduce the Earth's ecological damage to the environment, to meet consumer green consumerism as a starting point, create and explore market opportunities, and take appropriate marketing means profits and seeking to develop a new marketing concept and marketing strategy.Green Marketing is the focus for the interests of consumers, business interests, social interests and the interests of the ecological environment of unity, We should fully meet consumer demand, enterprise profit targets, but also give full attention to the natural ecological balance. This will require the enterprises in marketing activities for product innovation, design and production, and the pricing and marketing planning and implementation must to protect the ecological environment of to minimize or avoid environmental pollution, protection and conservation of natural resources, preserving the human community's long-term interests, and 原文请找腾讯752018766优-文^论,文.网
http://www.chuibin.com people's demand for green and protect the earth's ecological resources. enhancing the environmental awareness of sustainable economic development in a new way.
Green Marketing is the 21st century to solve "global issues" the idea of human survival, The trend of economic globalization is the idea of sustainable development of human and social development dimensions of time and space to the ecological concept of civilization, Construction of "global ethics" of man and nature coexist idea of four aspects. Green Marketing is to satisfy consumers and operators in the common interest for the purpose of social demand management, to protect the ecological environment for the purpose of marketing methods. That is to say, the green marketing to the enterprise not only human, financial, material, information, image visible and invisible optimize the allocation of resources, produce economic benefits, but also requires enterprises to social, and ecological benefits in an important position, so that the three (economic, social and ecological benefits) organically integrated, resulting in a green-effective.
China's Green Project began in the development of green food. In 1984, the first to Guangzhou for the production of pollution-free vegetables and the establishment of a pilot specialized production bases. 1989, the Ministry of Agriculture Organization expert studies formally proposed the concept of green food. In November 1992, attended by representatives of China in the international marketing seminars, full access to international green marketing theory. The same month, the State Council approved the establishment of a "China Green Food Development Center", the "green food mark Management." mark the beginning of green food system. In May 1993, China Green Food Development Center to join the "Organic Agriculture Movements international coalition." 1994, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed the development of green food in the three basic principles. And a formal decision by the sun, plant leaves, bud form of green food mark. Since then, marks the beginning of green food favored by consumers, green food has gradually become China's large cities most popular foods. It is now the production base of green food has reached 28. Nearly 300 enterprises with more than 630 species of green food development and production.
In addition to green food, my green product research and development also extends to other areas. 1990 successful development of a high-capacity battery in 1994 colloidal successful development of green pesticide Kushen nicotine emulsion, Gold was Geneva Expo, has begun mass production; 1995 Kelong Electric Company-wide fluorine-free refrigerator energy-saving technologies identified by the State Science and Technology Commission, in August 1995. Shanghai to establish a pollution-free fuel of LNG to replace the green fleet in August 1996. Haier Group through the international ISO14000 environmental management system certification become China's first all products, the overall verification through green products company; Now the reusable toilet paper, harmless to the human body, such as the silk products have access to national environmental certification.Green product development center, China's enterprises have launched a comprehensive green marketing. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities, and dozens of green shops have been established, and different levels of commitment to a green products to the wholesale, retail, storage, transport and other items of function, Some green products is also responsible for the production of material supply, technical training and other services. In 1997 China's first "green marketing" is dedicated to the birth marks green marketing theory formation. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页
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