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更新时间:2010-11-3:  来源:毕业论文
人力资源外文参考文献及翻译 第3页
Developing human capital
Human capital refers to the knowledge and skills of a firm’s entire workforce. From the perspective of human capital, employees are viewed as a capital resource that requires investment. Much of the development of U.S. industry can be attributed to the effectiveness of its human capital. In support of this conclusion, it is noted that “as the dynamics of competitive advantage’ This statement suggests that the role of the human resource management should be increasing in importance. In turn, the effective development and management of the firm’s human capital-that is, all of the firm’s managerial and nonmanagerial personnel-may be the primary determinant of a firm’s ability to formulate and implement strategies successfully.
 Finding the human capital necessary to run an organization effective is a difficult problem that many firms attempt to solve by \using temporary employees. Other firms try to improve their recruiting and selection techniques. solve the problem, however, requires more than hiring temporary employees; it requires building effective commitment to organizational goals as well. Hiring star player is also insufficient; rather, a strategic leader needs to build am effective organizational team committed to achieving the company’s vision and goal, as the strategic focus indicates.
   Actively participating in company-sponsored programs to develop one’s abilities is highly desirable, because upgrading one’s skills continuously leads to more job and economic security. Increasingly, part of the development necessary for strategic leaders is international experience. As one business analyst noted,” with nearly every industry targeting fast-growing foreign experience for top management positions.” Thus, companies committed to the importance of competing successfully in the global economy are wise to provide opportunities for their future strategic leaders to work in locations outside of their home nation. Also, because international management capabilities are becoming important, managing “inpatriation” has become a important means of building global core competencies.
   Effective training and development programs increase the probability that a manager will be a successful strategic leader. These programs have grown progressively important as knowledge has become more integral to gaining a competitive advantage. Additionally, such programs build knowledge and kills, inculcate a common set of core values, and offer a systematic view of the organization, thus promoting the firm’s strategic vision and organizational cohesion. The pro原文请找腾讯752018766优-文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com grams also contribute to the development of core competencies. Furthermore, they help strategic leaders improve skills that are critical to completing other tasks associated with effective strategic leadership. Thus, building human capital is vital to the effective execution of strategy.
   Strategic leaders must acquire the skills necessary to help develop human capital in their areas of responsibility. This is an important challenge, given that most strategic leaders need to enhance their human resource management abilities. For example, firms that place value on human resources and have effective reward plans for employees obtained higher returns on the their initial public offerings. When human capital investments are successful, the result is a workforce capable of learning continuously. Continuous learning and leveraging the firm’s expanding knowledge base are linked with strategic success. When asked to specify what accounts for Johnson & Johnson’s competitive success, the firm’s CEO answered that his company was “not in the product business, [but] in the knowledge business.”
   Programs that achieve outstanding results in the training of future strategic leaders become a competitive advantage for a firm. As noted in the opening case, general electric’s system of training and development of future strategic leaders is comprehensive and thought to be among the best. Accordingly, it may be a source of competitive advantage for the firm.
1.1 Competitive advantage powered by human capital
Consolidated Diesel’s manufacturing plant does not look extraordinary. The   equipment is the same as its competitors’. However, consolidate produces  exceptional results, power by the firm’s human capital, which is captured and released though its team-based system. To ensure the effective use of the company‘s human capital, employees are cross –trained on several jobs. Furthermore, employees are involved in developing solution to problems. For example, with customer demand high, the plant had to add significant overtime and a third shift. However,  after enlisting the aid of team leaders to help resolve the problem. Consolidated developed a more flexible scheduling system that cut the shifts back to eight hours, but the work continued to be completed. Similarly, MTW, an e-commerce applications firm, places high importance on its employees’ needs. Like consolidate diesel , it uses teams. In addition, MTW attempts to create an environment in which people like to work . in so doing ,the company has grown from a firm with 50 employees and $8 million in annual sales to one many of the operational decisions that affect the whole company. While decisions take longer in teams, the company gains the employees’ confidence, trust, and commitment.

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