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经济全球化英语论文-本质+对文化的影响 第2页

更新时间:2010-11-1:  来源:毕业论文
经济全球化英语论文-本质+对文化的影响 第2页
they would also promote the localization of them. For example, the Chinese brooms and chamber pot were taken as an Arts & Crafts on the wall in the west. Nevertheless, contrasted with the deep structure of culture, this level of culture is easy to be globalized.
    From what has been discussed, if we just have a general description about the world culture of diversification, we would not have a clean idea about the relationship between the economic globalization and the world culture. If we analyze this problem from different angles, we will achieve different conclusions. Although the surface structure of the culture is easy to get globalized, the deep structure of a culture is comparatively not easily to get assimilated by other cultures, which is determined by the nature of a nation’s culture.
 The Conflict and Assimilation of the World Culture
    Global culture will eventually find a way of adapting itself to global economy through interaction with the latter.With the upgrading of the economic globalization, different cultures will be brought into full intercourse. The flowing of the technology, personnel, capital all through the world made the contacts between countries closer than ever before, as well as the conflicts. Thus, in the context of the globalization, challenges, frictions and conflicts will be inevitable between different cultures, which are the object way of existing of the culture conflict. While the subject way is that the culture hegemonism is the potential motivation of the culture conflict. Represented by the United States for global domination of Western developed countries, they monopoly on the global media business dumping in their culture, ways of life and values to the world, by virtue of their technological and economic strength. We must also see that globalization has promoted the human’s universal interaction, so that different cultures, particularly Eastern and Western cultures have greatly increased the mutual understanding. Through our concerted efforts, the possibility of conflicts between different national cultures will be greatly reduced. The development of different cultures of the world has experienced a process that it conflicted with other cultures as well as being absorbed, which is also a process that the new world culture should adapt itself to the economic globalization.
 Cultural Identity
It is assumed that the origin of globalization can be traced back to the times when Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama began their epoch-making voyages in 1492 and 1497,respectively. Tony Spybey remarke, “Europeans began to have an influence on the rest of the world and implant their cultures on all continents. The acquisition that what is a world view by Europeans produced as its long-term outcome the world’s first truly global culture.” ( Spybey, 1996)
Discussion on cultural identity concerns the confluence of global culture with local and national culture. The global trends and local variations place a great strain on older concepts of a national and regional culture. A global media culture provides new sources for pleasures and identities that redefine gender, fantasies and new cultural experiences. These lead to the fragmentation of traditional identities, subjectivities and the construction of new identities. Obviously, the intersection of the global and the local is producing new matrixes to generate the production of hybrid identities. In other words, the global permeates the local with the result that new configurations emerge. In this process there create “contradictory forces of neocolonization and resistance, global homogenisation and new local hybrid forms and identities.” ( Yu Keping & Huang Weiping,1998) Although economic globalization forces can be oppressive and erode cultural traditions and identities they can also provide possibilities to reshape or remould one’s identity.
1 The Essence of the Economic Globalization      Nowadays, every hole and corner of the world has been swept out to the wave of the economic globalization, bringing a huge influence to the world culture. What is the Butterfly Effect? We can see it clearly in 原文请找腾讯752018766,优-文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com the currency inflation. Therefore, whether we can build a multivariate culture will influence the foreground of the world culture.
As we all know, economic globalization is a natural progress where the human society should across space obstacles to realize the amalgamation of capital, goods, technology, labor and other production elements. This process began as early as the development of industrial civilization, and developed with the expanding of such a mode of production in the world. At the end of the 1990s, the tide of economic globalization changes the pattern of the whole world. The information has made the Earth become smaller and smaller, breaking the obstacles of the various economic activities. This is a beneficial side, while the downside is also very evident. As it accelerates the economic growth, spreads the new technologies and improves the living standards of both developed and developing countries, it can also violate a country's sovereignty, erode local culture and traditions, and threat the economic and social stability of the less developed countries. In fact, the economic globalization is a unified activity about the trade rules, but the fact is that the rules of globalization are also enslaved to power politics. We can get a clear idea in the formulation and revision of the rules on global polity and economy. A case in point is that the rules can be brought into effect only if they are propitious to the powerful countries. There is inequality between the developed and developing countries because the former dominates the world economy. Developed countries take an advantage on not only capital, technology, trade but also on the economic organization.
The impact of economic globalization on the world culture is not a matter of simple statistics and reports. It is, in essence, a diagnostic line of analysis to consider its pluses and minuses on the general public. Globalization consists of social, economic and political adjustments that people may embrace to epitomize their culture and incorporate it with the world. It is a concept that has its economic, social and political roots and consequences. To a large extent, globalization promotes integration of the world and calls for the removal of all cultural barriers. Although the economic globalization is a vital process toward transferring technology and information to the world, it still has its negative effects on most cultures and civilizations. Its impacts on cultures, in this case the culture of the developing countries culture are relatively controversial.
An obvious complaint about economic globalization is that it leads to cultural homogeneity: interaction and interaction diminish difference; global norms, ideas or practices overtake local mores; many culture flows, such as the provision of news, reflect exclusively western interests and control;And the cultural imperialism of the United States leads to the global spread of American symbols and popular culture, the counterargument stresses new

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