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更新时间:2010-10-31:  来源:毕业论文

Language is regarded as a mirror of society, through which we can understand the social activities and culture of a certain society better. Vocabulary, as one of the most important parts of a language, will surely reflect the multi-dimensional image of a society. Countries of different cultures attach various associative meanings to their vocabulary, which is especially obvious in animal terms. Since animals play an important role in our daily life, animal terms may epitomize the essence and the value system of society, which reflect the distinctive history and culture of a certain nation. As a result, animal terms are bonded with natural phenomena, social activities, some abstract concepts and concrete instances.
We usually use animal terms to express “extra” meanings beyond what they denote because they help reveal certain cultural factors. The comparative analysis of animal terms in Chinese and English from a culture perspective will help find out the difference between two cultures, histories, cognitive systems and language evolutions. And this study will also be of great importance to cross-cultural communication, foreign language teaching and learning.
关键词:动物词汇 比较分析 引申义 文化
The Comparative Study on Animal Terms between English and Chinese from the Perspective of Culture
ABSTRACT Culture and language are inseparably interwoven. Language is a vehicle that helps record and interpret culture; it’s through language that pieces of abstract impressions and conceptions in man’s mind can be reconstructed in concrete words. Only when words and phrases in a certain language are combined with some cultural elements could they cease to be dead symbols of meaning as what they are in the dictionary. Culture becomes alive by means of language. On the other hand, culture is more than the interrelationships and behavior patterns of mankind, in other words, culture is not only unique to human, but also something concerning animals. Humankind is not separate beings, for animals came before us, now surround us and will help us along into the future. They facilitate and add spice to human life. Animal terms, as one group of the most frequently used lexicons, carry some extended meanings more than what they denote on the surface, since with the elapse of time, human beings have tied these words with their habits, customs and society. This article will analyze several animal terms and the relevant expressions in terms of the Chinese and English cultures, histories, thinking models etc., and explore the possible reasons which can account for these differences.
Keywords:animal terms  comparative analysis  extended meaning  culture
1 Introduction………………………………………………… 1
2 The Comparative Analysis of Some Animal Terms ………. 2
2.1 Dragon….…………………………………………………..2
2.2 Cat ………….………………………………………………2
2.3 Goat (Sheep) ………………………….…………………….3
2.4 Rat (Mouse) ………………….……………………………5
2.5 Elephant…………..…………………………………………6
2.6 Raven (Crow) ……….………………………………………7
3 The Causes of Cultural Differences……..……………………9
3.1 Language Determinism………………………………………9
3.2 Lexical Gap and Cultural Gap………………………………..9
3.3Different Histories,Geographic Features and Mode of Production
……….…………………………………….... ………………. 10
3.4 Mythology, Religions and Customs………………………….11
3.5 Different Thinking Models and Aesthetic Judgements……….12
3.6 Associative Meaning and Semantic Change………………….13
4 The Significance of the Study……………………….. …….15
5 Conclusion…………………………………………………. 16
References……………………………………………………. 17

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