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傲慢与偏见读后感英文毕业论文 第5页

更新时间:2010-10-30:  来源:毕业论文
But Darcy doesn’t blame her for that, he just smiles and states that he will talk about any topic she wants to talk. We can see Darcy’s generosity.
After misunderstandings between them have been cleared up and finally been engaged with each other, Elizabeth recovers to be lively and with unconstraint speaking style. At the end of the novel, Elizabeth makes a joke that:
“Lady Catherine has been of infinite use, which ought to make her happy, for she loves to be of use.”
Here both Darcy and Elizabeth know that Lady Catherine likes to have an oar on everyman’s boat, besides, it’s just because of her interference can they get together with each other. Meanwhile, Lady Catherine would never be happy for their marriage. Elizabeth makes an irony here to play a joke on Lady Catherine and her interference.
3. Feminine Consciousness
3.1 What is Feminine Consciousness?
Feminine Consciousness refers to literatures that treat human revolution as the core, women’s fighting independent status as the sign, and represent obvious sexual characteristics and writing gesture while creating composition. Writing is an expression of human’s real experience, but women’s writing is under an embarrassed situation from the very beginning. In order to show out the pureness of women’s writing, the first thing that a female writer needs to do is to refuse the history and culture. And only by refusing the culture and separately scheming all that now existing can female writers get rid of the experienced regions of male culture that lying out everywhere. Female writers have no choice but return to “the house of their own”, examine themselves and pay more attention to their own feelings. As the female wr优-文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com iters of pioneering novels in the pure literature, they always independently stay out of the mainstream of literature nowadays. And they have become unique but important female writers in the world by their strong feminine consciousness and unremitting spirit of exploration. They are no doubt outstanding representatives of feminine consciousness recovery by describing women’s inner worlds to be more exquisite and abundant.

3.2 Feminine Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice
3.2.1 Era Background of Pride and Prejudice
Above all, we should get to know the era background of the novel by Austen. Austen lived between the end of 18s and the beginning of 19s, when the society of England was in a transition period from the prophase of capitalism to the industrial capitalism. In an English countryside which was still under serious control of old feudalism and new power of capitalism was still on the way, we can image how humble were women’s social status at that time. Simply speaking, between men and women, there was a relationship like the subject and object. It means that men as the subject had the absolute controlling right to women, the object. Equality between men and women did not exist absolutely. This could be represented in several aspects as below:
Firstly, in the aspect of economy, women didn’t have rights at all. Take the story as an example. Household Bennett is a big family at the local region. Their estate could bring them with an annual average income of 2,000 pounds.
However, according to the additional terms in the testament, this property can be only inherited by a male heir. This has delivered lively a message that at that time, women can either live depend on their fathers’ property at home, or marry a man and live on their husbands’. Because the system at that time has deprived the women of their controlling rights of property.
Secondly, on marriage issue, women were not equal with men, either. Because of the inequality on economy between men and women, women can only live on depend on their husbands after marriage. And this has led to an object consequence that women were forced to attach themselves to their husbands, which was shown on the marriage conception. Therefore, in the society of England at that time, women educated well but with no property had no choice but marry a rich men. This has forced Mrs. Bennett to make her daughters marry rich men eagerly.
Lastly, on social status, women were also inferior to men naturally. Women at that time did not have jobs and lived upon their men at home. Therefore, this kind of sexual relationship which was almost feudal made that situation a certainty that women as the objects controlled by men, the subjects. Therefore under this background, the feminine consciousness of the unique hostess Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice seems particularly valuable. Feminine consciousness refers that women realize that they are not objects that attach to men, but other subjects that were equal with men. This can be shown by their independent ability of thinking and evaluating, their understanding by consistently criticizing, and their self-examination afterwards and then dominating their own destiny in the society of male chauvinism.

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