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人才流失英文文献及参考文献 第4页

更新时间:2010-10-29:  来源:毕业论文
人才流失英文文献及参考文献 第4页
The brain drain problem
Kerstin Cuhls
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Breslauer Str. 48, 76139 Karlsruhe,.
Harold A. Linstone, the Chief Editor of TSFC, asked me to comment on the “brain drain” from Germany. He read an article in the New York Times (February 6, 2007) and seemed to be relatively astonished that “government data show that 144,800 Germans emigrated in 2005, more people leaving than returning. In particular, doctors, engineers, and architects are leaving, according to the Berlin Institute for Population and Development.”The discussion is not new, but now seems to have spread across the ocean. It is often thought that brain drain is typical for developing countries or countries in transition and so the problem was ignored at first in Germany, too.  But it was noticed that it is more than a challenge, because in the knowledge-intensive economies of today, good brains are needed, knowledge is a “must”. Meanwhile, the problem is well-known to the government, but there are only partial answers as yet.
But w优/文^论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com hat is a brain drain? The emigration from Germany has many reasons. Maybe there are too many facets and I am not a specialist in this field of research.Nevertheless, from the futurist's point of view, the development is crucial to science, technology, society and the economy. As far as we currently know – or better: assume – mainly specialists leave the country, scientists, medical doctors, engineers, but sometimes even “Facharbeiter”, specialists in crafts or elsewhere.
Most people who leave are well educated and they will be sorely missed in the future.  There are even TV programmes, mainly from private providers, with documentaries or better “Doku Soaps” which regularly describe how Germans start a new life in a foreign country (e.g. “Good-bye Deutschland”, VOX). They describe the lives of specialists who move in order to foster their career, but also of unemployed persons who need to find a job and income elsewhere. 
But let us start with the definition and some statistics of the present.
1. Some statistics
“Brain drain” is defined differently by different authors, e.g. by Docquier and Marfouk as the “proportion of working-age individuals (aged 25 and over) with at least tertiary education, born in a given country but living elsewhere”. Migration has always taken place and there are different forms of migration.
Some forms have to do with brain drain, because the specialists, and “good brains” leave, other types are more comprehensive (e.g. refugees, deportations, struggling for an existence, wars, environmental problems etc.).
Some authors define “brain drain” via the loss to the source country, others define broader reasons. In most cases, people seem to migrate because their physical existence is in danger, or the institutional structure of society cannot fulfil their material and economic wishes and expectations, or  the ideas for their life cannot be realised under the current political–ideological system. We also have permanent migration, non-permanent migration and “circulation”. The last ones are e.g. commuters or the German former “Gastarbeiter” (“guest workers” who were expected to return home).
What we are discussing here is a special case of brain drain which some call “innovation migration”, that is, migration in search of the new. The effects of brain drain are unexplored so that “until recently and despite much anecdotal evidence, nobody was able to estimate the cost of the brain drain and the size of its feedback effects for sending countries”. Some even argue that there are positive effects for the country of origin, e.g. the “positive signal in the country of origin that motivates to acquire more education, thereby raising human capital and possibly promoting growth” Sometimes it is even doubted that “brain drain” is the right word for the phenomenon. But what do we really know about the phenomenon?
The problem is that we have no statistics about the people who leave the country or federal state (means from one federal state inside Germany to the other), we only have the numbers. What is their background? How long do they intend to stay elsewhere? Where do they go and why?

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