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交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法及特点 第7页

更新时间:2010-10-29:  来源:毕业论文
交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法及特点 第7页
images is easier to remember than vocabulary and expressions.
This kind of exercise aims to promote the ability of an interpreter to actualize and visualize the information he listened, which is designed to sensibility of human’s brain to image of language resources.

Recently I was walking in the park with a friend, while his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking about a beautiful sunny day and – poof! – I became invisible and absent from the conversation. The park was filled with people who were talking with their cell phones. They were passing other people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies. Obviously, at this moment the electronic voice is preferable to human contact.

The last paragraph in Chinese is the interpretation of the italic paragraph. In the original text, there are a few words and phrases which cannot be combined in nature. Therefore, this kind of speech is suitable to visualize.
On listen this vivid descriptions, the interpreter can sketch such a picture. He is walking and chatting in the park with a friend. Suddenly, their communication is stopped by the ring bell of friend’s phone. Then he looks around and finds that almost everyone talking with the phone instead of talking with each other. Interpreter could switch the complex description of original speech into a common scene in our daily life by actualizing and visualizing. Next, what the interpreter should do is just describe this picture in his mind in their own words. In this way, not only the context is remembered clearly and comprehensively, but the interpreter would not take mistakes to interprete mechanically.

5.3 Reasoning
Reasoning in interpreting refers to doing an analysis in vertical level and horizontal level. The vertical level means that one should pick up the main ideas from the original material distinguishing to minor ideas, namely finding the logical levels. While the horizontal level refers to defining the relation of every point, such as these relations of cause and effect, contrast, 优/文^论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com (concert context), lines (the relation among every point) and surface (the whole concept) in order to remember and convey. The information produced could stay longer in short-term memory.
As mentioned before, reasoning training can be divided into vertical analyzing and horizontal analyzing. To train the vertical analyzing is similar to summary training, but there are a few differences. Vertical analyzing acquires doing the logical stratification. In details, that is what the main idea is of a speech is the upper level; what several aspects around the topic the speaker discussed is the second level; what details talk about around every aspect is the next level. Like this, interpreters should form a clear logical map to retell, which need not obey the original order and structure.
As for the horizontal analyzing, it acquires the interpreter finding the logical relation among information. Common information will be accordance with a certain logical relation model, such as generalization, classification, cause-effect, compare and contrast, sequencing in terms of time, space and process, simple listing, problem-solution, etc. Finding a logical line could be on the basis of logical words.

Ex. 1) These words show the summary relation such as to sum up, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short, on the whole, etc.
2) There are words showing the order such as first, second, furthermore, before, preceding, during, when, finally, meanwhile, etc.
3) There are words showing the contrast and cooperation such as on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, instead, still, yet, whereas, differently, etc.
4) here are words showing the cause-effect relation such as so, since, because, as a result, consequently, lead to, etc.

Usually, people can define the passages better which are equipped with clear logic and strict structure. At the beginning of training, we can start at some orderly texts to train our logical thinking, defining and remembering. Furthermore, after promotion in logical analyzing and memorizing, some difficult and complex passages can be touched to improve our ability to adapt. In this way we can finally grasp this skill and make it as

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