交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法及特点 第6页
involved in changing neural connections for a period of three months or more after the initial learning. One of the primary functions of sleep is improving consolidation of information, as it can be shown that memory depends on getting sufficient sleep between training and test, and that the hippocampus replays activity from the current day while sleeping.
4.3 Short-term Memory in Interpreting
There are some characteristics of the short-term memory:
1) Information input. In general, when the information resource is noticed, the information enters the period of short-term memory. According to study of Sperling (1960) and Crowden (1982), the length of this period of time should be one quarter of a second. But Mckay (1973) believes that those information which can not be noticed also can enter this period.
2) Information capacity. As mentioned above, the capacity of memory is limited. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) proposed that this capacity can be divided into 7 Items. Miller (1956) showed it should be 7 information Chunks. Some people figure that: it's not about the volume of short-term memory but about the limit of the capability of handling.
3) Memory formats. If an interpreter wants to store information in short-term memory system, he should code the information listened with a varieties of operations forms. These forms mainly contain the three:
Ⅰ. Voice (phoneme) coding, namely rehearsing through subvocal sounds. (Conhrad, 1964; Baddeley, 1966).
Ⅱ. Visual coding. It refers to store information in pictures instead of in voice, especially those which are difficult to describe in words need these codes. Few people have the ability of photographic memory.
Ⅲ. Semantic coding, it refers to the information endowed with real meaning.
4) Information forgetting. There are main theories explaining the reason why we would forget the information in period of short-term memory. The first one is replacement. When the capacity is full, the old information will be replaced by the new. The second is decaying. As the time goes by, the information would become more and more indistinct. The third is interference. It means that the interference exist among the information remembered.
5) Information retrival. There are some forms allowing the owner to pick some materials up. The first, parallel processing. It is that the interpreter researches the information one by one until he finds what he wants. The second is activation. To activate the information bridged to forget and start positive memory.
5 Training Methods of STM in Consecutive Interpreting
5.1 The Importance of Training STM
Interpreting itself can be described in simple terms:“The interpreter has first to listen to the speaker, understand and analyze what is being said, and then resynthesize the speech in the appropriate form in a different language…”(Jones, 1998:6).优/文^论'文.网
http://www.chuibin.comWhether novice or experienced, all interpreters find this profession demanding and challenging. Not only must you convey the content of the source-language message, but also you must convey structural elements of that message that are not contained in the words: pauses, tone of voice, stress, etc. Phelan says that “when an interpreter is working, he or she cannot afford to have a bad day. One bad interpreter can ruin a conference” (Phelan, 2001:4) .
In discussing the qualifications required for an interpreter, Phelan mentions that:“The interpreter needs a good short-term memory to retain what he or she has just heard and a good long-term memory to put the information into context. Ability to concentrate is a factor as is the ability to analyze and process what is heard” (Phelan, 2001:4-5).
Mahmoodzadeh also emphasizes that a skillful interpreter is expected to “have a powerful memory” (Mahmoodzadeh, 1992:233). And in his book Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training (1992, 1995), Daniel Gile gives great importance to the role of short-term memory. It is actually one of the specific skills which should be imparted to trainees in the first stage of training. Among all the skills and techniques which are required for a good interpreter, memory skill is the first one which should be introduced to trainee interpreters.
5.2 Visualizing
Visualizing means that to visualize what the speaker is speaking,for instance, to form a scene to strengthen the short-term memory of the interpreter. These pictures formed in brain are called situational models, which are based on special or consequential relationship of contexts, to acquire the maximum time to remember. A British psychologist named Frederic C. Bartlett (1998:279) regarded memory as the reconstruction of an image. Here, the image refers to perceptional image. The conclusion of the study showed that the capacity of memory of pictures viewed and
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