交替传译中短时记忆的训练方法及特点 第2页
2 Brief Introduction of Interpreting
2.1 Interpreting
Interpreting is an oral translating form from interpreting information or texts. According to the nature of an activity, professional interpreting should be classified into three types, conference interpreting, personal interpreting and liaison interpreting.
Conference interpreting usually is used in large international conferences held by some international organizations such as UN, EU and by local organizations. Besides, conferences interpreting could be classified into simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting in terms of the way of working. The aim of most training organization of interpreting is to train qualified interpreter working for these international conferences. And then, personal interpreting refers to those interpreting services provided for very important person in various situations, mainly consecutive interpreting, for instance, the interpreters in ministry of foreign affairs of every country. In other occasions, these activities are liaison interpreting, which mainly are consecutive interpreting and work for two parties in different languages, such as commercial negotiations, tourism interpreting, TV interpreting and court interpreting. Whatever kind interpreting is a challengeable work.
2.2 Diatheses of Interpreter优/文^论'文.网
http://www.chuibin.comCompared with translation, interpreting is much limited in time and more orally. In general, interpreter doesn’t have sufficient time to organize words for more beautiful as translation. Thus, these characteristics mean that an interpreter needs some qualities.
Firstly, a good interpreter should always keep ready to be in accordance with demands of the time. The interpreting task usually comes suddenly, and interpreter has no more time to prepare before working. Even that it leaves few minutes before guests’ arriving. It means that interpreters should always keep ready in both the mind and professional skills.
Secondly, a good interpreter should have a good mastery of language in both original language and target language. As an interpreter, one should keep learning and concluding to grasp the language and characteristics of OL and TL to the extend that the expressional style of target language is much similar to the original language. Except for that, as the two languages influenced by their own cultures, the style of expression is different. Take an example, with permeation of the Chinese traditional culture centered on Confucianism, Chinese would like to talk about their ideas in reserved and indistinct words. However, the clear, brief and logical expressions in communication with westerns are the extraordinary features.
Thirdly, a good interpreter should be equipped with encyclopedic knowledge. It is very important for an interpreter to read widely because he could face various topics and difficult to deal with every one unless he gets full preparations in daily hours. As for preparations, some methods should be included, such as knowing the current technical jargons and essential concepts, accumulating some Chinese-type expressions and accumulating new words in news events and so on.
Fourthly, a good interpreter should interpret with a standard and clear pronunciation. The first demand of interpreting is to be accurate, so a graceful and fluent voice is a necessary diathesis for an interpreter. Of course, everyone has his own trait in intonation, even a native speaker’s pronunciations differ from other natives, let alone a second language learner. But being an interpreter, one should spare no efforts to hold a standard pronunciation including stress in words and sentences, tones to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
Finally, a good interpreter should be equipped with a good short-term memory, because it is impossible to interpret the same topic and content every time, in addition to the time limitation, the interpreter could not retell all the information in spite of taking notes. Nevertheless, to a great extend, interpretation depends on short-term memory. This is the center of the paper, and the author does a detailed illustration and study in the rest.
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