摘 要 本文的焦点集中在口译中短时记忆的训练方法。根据Daniel Gile的精力分配模式,短时记忆在整个口译过程中起着举足轻重的作用。因此,强的短时记忆能力可以帮助译者提高口译的质量。
本文共分为五部分。除第一章介绍部分,在第二章,口译的介绍,帮助我们对短时记忆有个清晰的了解。笔者认为,由于口译工作时间上的严格限制,整个的口译工作是围绕着短时记忆展开的。在第三章中,笔者详细描述了Daniel Gile 的Effort Model, 并对模式中的四个步骤详细展开介绍。第四章介绍了三个记忆系统(瞬时记忆、短时记忆、长时记忆)在人脑中的运作方式,然后对其在口译中的功能特征进行归纳,并把范围圈定到短时记忆与口译工作的具体联系上,即本文的重点所在。第五章,基于以上阐述,作者对短时记忆的训练方法进行了详尽的说明,包括视觉化、逻辑化、模块化以及轮廓化。在第优章,笔者引用了一些具体的案例来对以上涉及到的训练方法进行说明。
关键词:交替传译 短期记忆 训练方法
1 Introduction
Interpreting, as an important way of communication between people from different countries, has a long history. With more frequent exchanges of the world in politics, economics and culture, nowadays, interpreting has established its status in international community and become a significant and challenging career. However, the first step of the study on interpreting happened too late even in the west, let alone in China, which occurred at the late of the 20th century. In this chapter, the main topic focuses on some preparations of the paper.
1.1 Research Background
In resent years, thanks to the growth and development of communication between China and other countries, the demand of interpreting professionals has been increasing, lots of language learners hope to go in for this career.
In 1930s, LIN Yutang (2005: 187) has once pointed out that translation is concerned with the relationship between the mind of interpreter and the original words, shortened for words and mind.
Interpreting (training) is a kind of work that contains memory training mainly and note-taking training secondly. It means that the process of interpreting should be a process of memorizing, while the notes should be a clue as an outline. To sum up, holding a strong short-term memory is the key of interpreting.
1.2 Research Question
Memory is seen as processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval of information in human’s brain. The memory mechanism is divided into three systems called sensory stores, short-term memory and long-term memory.
Interpreting is an oral paraphrasing form from original language to target language, which is almost simultaneous or consecutive interpreting with preciseness. 优/文^论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com So interpreting is a challengeable job no matter who do it such as fresher or superior. As Phalen (2001:4~5) said, inconsideration is to interpreting what a mouse is to a pot of soup. He also believed that an entitled interpreter should be equipped with a good short-term memory to store information listened and deal with original information. Mahmoodzadeh (1992:233) also pointed out that an interpreter should have a good memory.
1.3 Research Method
Firstly, the author read lots of books and collected a great deal of information. Secondly, these books and information are analyzed, are compared. Finally, the paper’s structure is integrated and written out.
In the process, the author enumerates and paraphrases some methods to training short-term memory, which is the main part of this paper.
1.4 Significance of the Study
This author dose a systematic rearrangement about the training methods of short-term memory in consecutive interpreting from interpreting itself to application. It would be helpful for interpreting learners or fresh interpreters more or less.
摘 要 II
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Question 1
1.3 Research Method 2
1.4 Significance of the Study 2
2 Brief Introduction of Interpreting 3
2.1 Interpreting 3
2.2 Diatheses of Interpreter 3
3 Process of Interpreting 5
3.1 Effort Model 5
3.2 Enlightenments of Effort Model 5
3.2.1 Listening and Comprehension 6
3.2.2 Note-taking 6
3.2.3 Short-term Memory 7
3.2.4 Coordination 7
4 Interpreting and Memory 8
4.1 Memory 8
4.2 Memory Mechanism in Interpreting 8
4.2.1 Sensory Memory 9
4.2.2 Short-term Memory 9
4.2.3 Long-term Memory 10
4.3 Short-term Memory in Interpreting 11
5 Training Methods of STM in Consecutive Interpreting 13
5.1 The Importance of Training STM 13
5.2 Visualizing 13
5.3 Reasoning 14
5.4 Outlining 16
5.5 Chunking 17
6 Conclusion 18
6.1 Research Findings 18
6.2 Research Limitations 18
6.3 Suggestions for the Future Research 18
Bibliography 19
Acknowledgements 21,1620
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