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广告英语的语言特点和翻译技巧 第4页

更新时间:2010-10-28:  来源:毕业论文
广告英语的语言特点和翻译技巧 第4页
In the matter of fact, English advertisements are full of life, and the figure of speech can further make their features outstanding in this aspect. We can make an inclusion that without rhetoric, there is without the art of advertisements. Personification
Personification is a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. This rhetoric device endows English advertisements with dynamic beauty, and we can capture a vivid picture through them. For example:
She has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near. (Lauren)
她有自己的精神,能使她所到之处,人人因此更加美丽。(Allen advertisement)
In this English advertisement, the word “she” makes perfume possessed of the feature of female, which refers to the person who loves Lauren perfume, and refers to perfume, and naturally explains that this sort of perfume is specially used for women.
Opportunity knocks!
机会在敲门。(Real estate advertisement)
It is apparent that the word ‘opportunity’ is seen as a person, and we can feel the preciousness of it, and from another aspect, we can find that it is time to grasp it, otherwise we may lose it.
Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart
This is an advertisement of flower shop named Interflora. Reading such an advertisement, we cannot help addicting to the sweet of flowers and entering a world of flowers. What a beautiful picture it is! Simile and metaphor
Simile is a figure of speech by which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as. For instance:
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. (State Farm Insurance)
This sentence has a very obvious feature, that is, to use the word “like”, and compare insurance company to a good neighbor. This advertisement shortens the distance between consumers and goods producers, which gives birth to a close relationship, and makes people willing to get close to it.
Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.
Ride like a feather in your pocket.
Metaphor is a kind of figure of speech by which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison. It always includes words: is, are, and so on.
Go for the Gold,The brightest star in electronics.(Su Dingfang, 2003:57).
We are temptation. (Lane Crawford) Lane Crawford---a large department store, which once issued a series of schemes and products of we are temptation.
This is a metaphor combining Lane Crawford with temptation.
The Big Apple---New York City
The first meaning is luster properly used to describe apples, and the second meaning refers to honor, which can be used to depict metropolis, and so on.
    “Hero Meets Hero”.
This sentence adopts the rhetoric device of metaphor, and regards the employer and employee as hero (Xie Qingfang, 2004:79). Pun
A pun is a kind of figure of speech which consists of a deliberate confusion of similar words or phrases for rhetorical effect, whether 无耻悲鄙下流的网"学.网总是抄优,文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com  of one word, or of a literal meaning with a metaphor. Bad puns are often considered to be cheesy. Pun of multiple-meaning
This kind of pun means there are more than two levels of meaning of a word, and they can bring totally different meanings and contexts. Therefore, consumers have to make a wise inference. For instance:
A: What's the longest sentence in the world?
B: Prison for life.
The word “sentence” not only has meaning of a single sentence, but also the meaning of date of punishment.
Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and left.

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