广告英语的语言特点和翻译技巧 第3页
I absolutely refuse to have damaged hair! And now I don’t have to. I have handfuls of shiny, healthy-look hair. Because I finally got my hair dresser to tell me his secret--- Infusium 23 (Hair conditioner advertisement)
“It’s like we’re all in the same office. The office just happens to spread across 7,000 miles of ocean,” Tom Hughes, MIS Director.
They are introductory expressions of an advertisement, and this advertisement appears vivid and concrete.
“Through the NVQ initiative we have discovered talents and competencies, which we would never otherwise have known about,” says Lan MeDermot of Philips Components (Qian Cuilan, 2007:21).
This is the appreciation showed to NVQ occupational training organization by employers. Conditional sentences
Sometimes, English advertisements also use conditional sentences or other phrases so as to regard condition as fact, and add subjective consumption or persuasion to them, thus propagandistic and persuasive power is strengthened. For example:
If you suffer from indigestion, this is something you want to know. (Nutrition food advertisement)
Without vitamins, life itself would be impossible. (Medicine advertisement)
Although it is not brief to use conditional sentence in English advertisements, sometimes it is necessary to express advertisers’ persuasion and sincerity. When we read the two examples, we have to be moved by the effect of conditional sentences. Interrogative sentences
Interrogative sentences are very popular in advertisements, because no matter what kinds of those interrogative sentences are, it is very easy to arouse consumers’ interest and curiosity. Therefore, products can be promoted without too many difficulties. For instance:
How to get 100 watts of light for only 44 watts of electricity? (House appliance advertisement) (Chen Meilian, 2006:59).
How can the wrong system affect a perfectly good portable telephone? (Cell phone advertisement)
Are you still feeding your six-month-old an infant formula? (Baby food advertisement)
According to the grammatical function, interrogative sentences usually pose questions on consumers. After questions, it is very natural for consumers to consider them. Therefore, interrogative sentences in English advertisements not only attract them, but also give them more space to contemplate. For instance:
How can you succeed in Europe if you arrive tired and sixty minutes behind your competition?
What makes the finest tasting coffee in the world? The roaster’s art. (Coffee advertisement)
Dinner? Done. (Pisa advertisement )
All of the above examples include interrogative structure of interrogative sentence, and are made up of two parts. For one thing, they ask questions to attract readers’ attention; for another thing, consumers can get information from answers. On the contrary, if 无耻悲鄙下流的网"学.网总是抄优,文^论,文.网
http://www.chuibin.com the above airlines with the following sentences: Next time by using London city airport, you can succeed in Europe if you want to arrive much earlier without being tired. This is a relatively complex narrative sentence structure. Because this sentence doesn’t ask any question from consumers, it is not so easy to take notice of readers, and let alone make consumers grasp key points. Thus it can be seen, the structure of interrogative sentence is a necessary form of attracting attention.
Interrogative sentences introduce a question, which stirs people’s interest and curiosity, and they are eager to find answer and make decision. For example:
What’s so special about Lurpak Danish butter? Well, can you remember what butter used to taste like real frag fresh butter? Do you remember how you used to enjoy it when you were young? Today--- the taste of Lurpark brings it, all back to you. ---that’s why it’s so special. There are there interrogative sentences in this butter advertisement, and they can stimulate the longing for fresh butter of ideal group, so there will be a better advertisement effect.
1.2.3 The aspect of rhetoric
A rhetorical figure can be defined as an artful deviation in the form taken by a statement. Since dozens of figures have been catalogued, ranging from the familiar (rhyme, pun) to the obscure (inimitable). Despite the frequent appearance of rhetorical figures in print advertisements, their incorporation into advertising theory and research has been minimal. This paper develops a framework for classifying rhetorical figures that distinguish between figurative and non-figurative text, between two types of figures (schemes and tropes), and among four rhetorical operations that underlie individual figures(repetition, reversal, substitution, destabilization). These differentiations in the framework are supported by preliminary validation data and linked to suggested consumer responses. The paper concludes by considering the theoretical import of the proposed framework for future research on rhetorical structure in advertising.
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