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analyses yielded two broader subscales of self-assessed emotional abilities, namely (1) intrapersonal emotional abilities involving 16 items that are concerned with the perception and regulation of one’s own emotions as well as the control over the expression of emotions, and (2) interpersonal emotional abilities involving 17 items regarding the perception and the regulation of the emotions of others.
In a recent study (Uidl, 2004), the two broader subscales showed satisfactory reliabilities (α = .78 for intrapersonal abilities, α = .86 for interpersonal abilities) as well as convergent and discriminant relations (1) to the subscales of a German version of the Trait Meta Mood scale (Otto, Döring-Seipel, Grebe, & Lantermann, 2001) and (2) to peer-ratings of emotional abilities.
2.2.3 Cognitive intelligence
Various subscales of a multidimensional intelligence structure test, the Intelligenz-Struktur-Test 2000 (I-S-T 2000; Amthauer, Brocke, Liepmann, & Beauducel, 1999) were used. For each of the following domains we selected that subtest out of three which had the highest loading on the fluid intelligence factor: verbal abilities (subtest similarities), numerical abilities (subtest number series) as well as figural abilities (subtest matrices). The scores of these subtests were aggregated to a composite measure of fluid intelligence. For the assessment of crystallized intelligence components the knowledge tasks provided in the I-S-T 2000 designed to measure verbal, numerical as well as figural knowledge were used. The scores of these subscales were combined to a composite measure of crystallized intelligence.
2.2.4 Personality
Personality traits were assessed according to the “big five” model of personality (i.e., extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness). For this purpose, the NEO-FFI by Costa and McCrae (translated into German by Borkenau & Ostendorf, 1993) was administered.
2.3 Procedure
The participants were tested in small groups (up to 19) in a lecture room of the department. After a brief introduction the I-S-T 2000 subscales were administered. The participants were then asked to complete the emotional ability questionnaire. After a break of 15 min the performance measures of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional abilities were given in a randomized order. Finally, the participants were asked to complete the NEO-FFI and a demographic sheet. The whole procedure took about 3 h.
3 Results
3.1 Development of emotional ability scales
To examine the dimensional structure of the developed performance items concerning the assessment of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional abilities, we employed a principal axis exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal rotation on the respective responses of the 277 subjects. A joint scree/meaningfulness criterion yielded a two-factor solution. Although numerous eigenvalues were above 1.0, the plot of eigenvalues displayed a pronounced dip between the second and third factor. The two factors accounted for 12% of the total variance.
The first factor had an eigen value of 5.00 and loaded 18 of the items. Ten of these items were generated for the assessment of the adequate behavior in emotional situations and eight items were generated for the measurement of the effective regu优-文^论,文.网
http://www.chuibin.com lation of one’s own emotions. As both sets of items refer to aspects of managing one’s own emotions this factor can be interpreted as intrapersonal emotional ability. A reliability analysis of this performance scale showed a Cronbach’s alpha of .72.
The second factor had an eagan value of 2.37 and loaded 24 of the items. This factor comprised most of the items (n = 17) generated for the assessment of the effective regulation of other’s emotions and some items (n = 7) that were generated for the measurement of the adequate behavior in emotional situations. Taking into account that one’s behaviors in social interactions might have a particular influence on the emotions of others in various situations, it seems plausible that these seven items primarily address the ability of managing the emotions of others adequately. Thus, the second factor can be interpreted as interpersonal emotional ability. An analysis of the internal consistency of this subscale yielded a Cronbach’s alpha of .70.
The two performance measures of intra- and interpersonal emotional abilities showed a positive intercom relation of r = .29, p < .01.
3.2 Relations of performance measures to self-estimate of emotional abilities
Regarding the assessment of the construct validity of the performance measures we
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