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Empirical analyses yielded expected moderate correlations of the MEIS-subscales with verbal and crystallized intelligence (Mayer et al., 1999 and Roberts et al., 2001), but not with Raven’s measure of non-verbal intelligence (Ciarrochi, Chan, & Caputi, 2000). Moreover, significant but modest relations were found to all big-five personality dimensions (Ciarrochi et al., 2000 and Roberts et al., 2001). With respect to the validity of the MSCEIT, moderate associations were not only found with verbal and crystallized intelligence (Brackett et al., 2004 and MacCann et al., 2004) but also with measures of abstract reasoning (Warwick & Nettelbeck, 2004) and general intelligence (O’Connor and Little, 2003 and Schulte et al., 2004). The correlations with personality scales were comparatively low or non-significant (Day and Carroll, 2004, MacCann et al., 2004, O’Connor and Little, 2003 and Schulte et al., 2004).
Going more deeply into details, the most substantial relations to cognitive intelligence were found for the emotional understanding branch, and not for the emotional management branch which represents the highest ability domain (Mayer et al., 1999, O’Connor and Little, 2003 and Roberts et al., 2001). According to Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, and Sitarenios (2001), these findings would be due to the fact that emotional management (which creates an interface between cognitive intelligence and personality) is less cognitively saturated than emotional understanding (which is most allied with abstract reasoning), because it has to balance motivational, cognitive and emotional components. In contrast, recent analyses of the relations of the MSCEIT-subscales to cognitive intelligence yielded only one significant correlation between emotional management abilities and abstract reasoning (Warwick & Nettelbeck, 2004). Moreover, it seems noteworthy that also the emotional management branch is operational zed by items requiring the subject to assess the effectiveness of behavioral alternatives in various emotional situations. Thus, available scales purporting to measure emotional management do not directly assess the effectiveness of subjects’ behaviours in emotional situations (i.e., their actual emotional management ability per se) but rather their emotional knowledge about the effectiveness of various behaviors (i.e., their knowledge of how to behave).
Although emotional knowledge about the effectiveness of emotion-related behaviour can be regarded as a ‘maximum-performance’ indicator of an individual’s emotional management ability (assessing what an individual is capable of when highly motivated), it should not be neglected that managing emotions effectively does not only require the availability of such knowledge but also to behave according to it. As people may differ in their tendency to use their emotional management capacity in everyday circumstances, we regard it important to distinguish between the knowledge of how to behave (maximum-performance) and the effectiveness of the behaviors typically shown in real-life situations (typical-performance). Thus, existing research on EI should be extended by the development and validation of performance measures that assess the effectiveness of subjects’ typical behaviour in emotional situations more directly.
In contrast to maximum-performance scales, typical-performance measures are supposed to be less strongly associated with cognitive abilities. On the other hand, typical-performance measures refer to criteria-based evaluations of an individual’s typical behaviour and are, therefore, also expected to be moderately associated with conceptually related social-emotional personality traits (e.g., emotional stability, extraversion, openness to feelings, agreeableness). From a conceptual point of view, typical-performance measures might be regarded as performance-based indicators of trait EI (which relates to typical performance) rather than information-processing EI (which relates to maximal performance).
Analyses of the convergent and discriminant validities of self-report EI-measures yielded almost no correlations with cognitive intelligence components (e.g., Davies et al., 1998, Newsome et al., 2000 and O’Connor and Little, 2003). Although Petrides and Furnham (2001) reported the isolation of a trait EI factor within the Eysenckian and the NEO Five Factor space, the vast majority of studies yielded a high multicollinearity among self-report EI-measures and personality traits.
However, most of the questionnaires include numerous items that do not directly focus on self-assessments of emotion-related abilities but rather on motivational aspects, attitudes or preferred ways of behaving. Thus, methodological improvements are necessary before any firm conclusion can be drawn about the status of self-report EI-measures.
1.1 The present study
The present study attempts to reduce the limitations of EI measures that have been outlined above, and makes efforts towards an improvement of the knowledge of the empirical status of both objective and self-report indices of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional abilities.
The limitation of existing performance scales regarding the assessment of an individual’s actual emotional management ability will be addressed by using and evaluating an alternative measurement approach purporting to assess the effectiveness or adeq优-文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com uacy of emotion-related behaviors more directly. Accordingly, the effectiveness of emotion-related behaviors is operational zed by measuring the individual’s behavioral preferences in various emotional settings and evaluating those behaviors against predetermined scoring-criteria.
To remedy the weaknesses of self-report EI-measures of EI (see above) a recently self-developed questionnaire, which involves only items that focus directly on self-assessments of emotion-related abilities, was administered.
The first research aim is to finalize the development of psychometrically sound performance measures for the assessment of intrapersonal as well as interpersonal emotional abilities that are related to an individual’s behavior in emotional settings. Here, quite promising pilot studies have already been performed by diploma students. Within these studies, numerous items have been developed for the assessment of the abilities of (1) behaving adequately in emotionally laden social interactions, (2) managing one’s own emotions effectively, and (3) managing the emotions of others effectively.
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