近代英语的简洁简化 第6页
3 Linguistics Aspects
Languages are the most important tools of communication.Verbose and needless profusion of words make both the speaker and the listener wasting time at processing words to find out the true meaning behind them. Thus ,it makes the communication inefficient.To solve the problem,we should pay more attention to the brevity of English.In linguistic aspects, fields like pronunciation,vocabulary and other syntactic structures will be discussed.
3.1 In the field of pronunciation
The simplification of pronunciation is a common tactics used in Modern English.In a fast-pace world,people tend to speak faster and faster so as to save time. Thus, pronunciation of some words are simplified to meet the need.In unstressed syllables,light vowels like [i] and [ə] are sometimes not pronounced.
For example:优-文^论,文.网
http://www.chuibin.com 1.factory: [fəektri]
3.university: ['ju:nivə:sti]
4.extraordinary : [ikstrכ:dnri]
Besides, in some multi-syllable words, the diphthongs can be pronounced to
For example:
1. encyclopiaedise : [in,saikəpidaiz]
3.2 In the field of intonation
The most original way of communication which was conducted by human-beings to exchange information effectively was through various phonations.These different phonations can reach the purpose of brevity by changing stress,sound intensity, pitch and range.
3.2.1 Stress
In the same phrase, different stresses express different meanings.This deprives people of a long explanation.Usually,.functional words are often unstressed in English speech.Here are some examples:
1.an ' English teacher= A teacher teaches English.
an English ' teacher= A teacher who is English.
3.2.2 Sound intensity
In a sentence, varied sound intensity means differently.It is also an example of brevity by changing sound intensity to express a different meaning of the same sentence.Here are some examples:
1. ' You can tell her some secrets.=It is you that can tell her some
You can tell ' her some secrets=It is her that you can tell some
3.2.3 Pitch
Pitch is another aspect of intonation.Using different pitches can make the same word or sentence mean differently. A typical example is using different pitches of 'YES'. In this way, at least 5 meanings can be expressed:
1. Totally agree
3. Agree with uncertainty
3.2.4 Range
Speaking in a high range indicates that the speaker is not honest. Speaking in a low range indicates the speaker is honest but not full of passion.Speaking with cadence shows the speaker is honest and enthusiastic.
For example:
1.Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I did me down with a will.
2. How I may bear me here? (Shakespear)
3.3 In the field of vocabulary
Thousands upon thousands of words are coined in today's world. However, many of them are created based on the words that have already existed.Thus, communication can become more convenient and efficient so that more people will join in using them.
3.3.1 Affix
Affix includes prefix and suffix. In most cases, prefix only changes the meaning of the stem while suffix changes the part of speech of it.This is a type of word formation which has become popular in English this century. Prefix优-文^论,文.网
http://www.chuibin.com English prefixes are affixes (hat are added before either simple roots or complex bases .There are plenty prefixes so that a simple word can change into varied new words with a prefix. In this way , it is convenient for understanding and using the language as well. For example:
prefix meaning example
Co- joint, with, accompanying co-worker, coordinator, cooperation
Counter- against, in opposition to counteract, counterpart
Re- again, back rerun
Over- too much overreact, overact
Anti- against anti-war, anti-virus, anti-human
Multi- many multi-storey
Mon(o)- many monogamy
Super- above, over supervisor
vice- deputy vice-president, vice-principal Suffix
In linguistics, a suffix (also sometimes called a postfix or ending) is an affix which is placed after the stem of a word. Same as prefixes, it also servers to enhance the convenience of language users and also simplify words.
For example:Suffix Meaning Example
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