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近代英语的简洁简化 第3页

更新时间:2010-10-26:  来源:毕业论文
近代英语的简洁简化 第3页
  2. Whatever the truth (is), casualties were heavy on both sides.
                                                     (Time, Aug.2,1982)
  3. As if (they wanted) to emphasize the point, Israeli troops moved inland north of
Beirut last week.                              (Newsweek, Aug.23,1982)
  4. American once grand hotels are grand again. Dozens of them, many (of which
Were0 empty, crumbling and ripe for the wreck's tall, have been restored to their
Former glory.                                (Newsweek, Aug.23,1982)
  5. Just how wrong (the currency is) can be judged by examining the evolution of
Soviet Missile Forces.                        ( Reader's Digest,May,1979)
2.1.2 Abbreviation
    Besides saving words as well as omitting, editors also use abbreviation to develop a concise style. Ways of abbreviation are: using premodification , using participial phrases, using blending words, acronyms,curtailed words, conversion, and creatively using adverbs. Using premodification
    In grammar, a modifier (or qualifier) is an optional element in phrase structure or clause structure; the removal of the modifier doesn't affect the grammaticality of the sentence. Modifiers can be a word, a phrase or an entire clause. Semantically, modifiers describe and provide more accurate definitional meaning for another element[.6]

 1. Nouns or noun phrases as premodification
   a. Problem kids ( kids who make trouble )
   b. Book farmer ( a person who does farming according to the book)
   c. Discout stores (stores which offer discounts)
   d . Long-fiber diets ( diets which contain long fibers)
   e . Dead-end jobs (jobs which offer no chance of advancement)
 2. Verb phrases as premodification
   a . Stand-up meetings ( meetings which are held with everyone standing)
   b . Go-with- the- stream pragmatist ( a person who does not act according to a
      general principle but thinks and behaves in the same ways as most people)
   c . Give-away price ( the principle of something is so cheap that it is just like a 
   d . Do-it-yourself repairs ( repairs w优-文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com hich are done by oneself)
   e . Strat-up-costs ( costs paid for starting up a project)
 3.Prepositional phrases as premodification
   a . On-the-job problems (problems which occur during work)
   b . Off- campus rents (rents for houses outside a campus)
   c . Cradle-to-grave health care ( health care which is provided for one from his       birth to the last moment of his life)
   d . The-under-25 category ( the group of people who are less than 25 years old)
  4. Adjective phrases as premodicication
a . The once-taboo luxury items ( luxury items which once were forbidden)
b . Goods_hungry market (market which is short of goods)
c . Twice-daily conferences (conferences which are held twice a day)
d . Winter-weary Canadians (Canadians who are weary of winter)
e . Decade-long shortage (shortage which has lasted for a decade) Using participial phrases
Participial phrases are short phrases that appear at the beginning of a sentence or the end of the sentence.The employment of an participial phrase is just another way to write sentences with compound verbs in them. It provides a variety of sentence style.They can be used to replace subordinate clause as well as combining sentences. Therefore using participial phrases can make sentences brief .For example:
1.the vetoed resolution (the resolution which has been vetoed)
2.luxury-loving Eurocrats ( the European Bureaucrats who love luxuries)
3.burnt-out teachers (teachers whose energy and inerest are exhausted)
4.turned-out audience (audience who have got excited)
5.fifth-ranked company ( a company which is ranked fifth)
6.top-salaried executives (executives whose salary is very high)
7.ten-warheaded missile (a missile which carries 10 warheads)
8.miniskirted woman ( a woman who wears a miniskirt)
9.shirt-sleeved chat( a chat which is carried on by people who only wear shirts on, therefore an informal chat) Using blending words,acronyms,curtailed words
    A blend is a compound which is formed by fusing together elements from two other words and whose meaning shares or combines the meanings of the source words. The elements are normally the beginning of one and the end of the other. It is a creative way to simplify words.For example:
1.Youthquake : youth + earthquake
2. Filmdom: film+kingdom
3. Workfare: work+ welfare
4. Narcomillionarire :narcotic+ millionaire
5.Ameriasian: American+Asian
6.Republicrat: republican+Democrat
7.Dreamscape: dream+ landscape
8.Chunnel: chanel + tunnel
    Acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term,also it is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters.In advertising English, acronym and curtailed words can largely save space.
    For example:优-文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com
    1.Mod cons : modern coveniences
    2.Lo fi : low fiedelity
    3.Show biz:: show business
    4.Porn flick: pornographical film
    5.Pop-cult: popular culture
    6.High-tech: high technology
    7.ASEAN: Alliance of South Eastern Asian Nations
    8.MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction
    9.ABC: American Broadcasting Company
10.DA: Doctor of Arts
11.rader : radio detecting and ranging
12.NATO; North Atlantic Treaty Organization Conversion
    Conversion is a functional shift between parts of speech.Conversion plays an important role in Journalistic writing.It serves to strengthen the vividness of the languge as well as manifest the theme in a brief way.
    For example:
     1.The number of undecideds may be nearly twice that high.
                                        (undecided- undecided votes)
2. In science fictions all unthinkables may be met and realized.
                                         ( unthinkable-unthinkable things)
3. The Cabinet system that we have, in which, most everything is roundtabled.
                        (roundtable-to decide through a roundtable discussion)
4. Since 1960, the incidence of never-marrieds 20-40 years old has jumped from
  42% to 52% since 1970.
                                (never-marrieds- never-married people) Using idioms, proverbs
     Idioms and proverbs, usually appearing in short stories or other literary works and giving people a piece of advice or wisdom, are very concise expressions.The proper use of them can meet the need of Journalism English which should be short , concise and easily understandable. What is more, idioms and proverbs, if wisely

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