英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧 第4页
talk freely. Teacher can walk around, guiding and taking a demanding role in helping and advising the students if they need.
2.3.3Role-play and English Games
Eager to perform, students have the desires to be self-content. Through the proportional work before class, they search for quite a lot of materials, during the course of the rehearsal, they gain some knowledge of the language.
2.3.4 Picture Talk
Learners can also be encouraged to practice speaking with the help of pictures. A set of pictures are introduced in the classroom, put up on the blackboard. By means of picture-talk, their oral English shall be improved sooner or later.
2.3.5 Debate and Discussion
Topics should be laid out easy enough for the students to argue about. At the end of the debate, the teacher should make some comments on students' work
2.3.6 Information Gap
The two students in each pair are given different information. The activity can then work in various ways.
2.3.7 Project Work
Students are free to form some small groups working in teams, helping each other with poster design under the guidance of the teacher.
3. Apply the Communicative Approach to English Writing
From the above introduction, we have discussed and learnt the theories about communicative approach and how to apply the communicative approach in teaching. When we learn a foreign language, the five fundamental elements which are listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating are always involved in our study. This paper will pay special attention to writing.
3.1 What, Why and How for the Learners to Write
Writing is a real-life reality. Whether it is in social, work or study situations, we write to get things done and to form and maintain social relationships. Like many other aspects of English teaching, the type of writing teachers get students to do should depend on their ages, interests, and levels.
The reasons for teaching writ毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com ing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language development, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right. Writing can raise awareness of how language works. Through writing, people will become more familiar with the linguistic and social conventions of writing in English.
Different people have different ideas about how to write. Some people will start to write at the first sight without analyzing or outlining. The papers they work out are usually with loose structures and not easy to grasp.
3.2 The Writing Process
The product-oriented method of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal. However, the work before writing should be prepared diligently. The author thinks people should find out their writing motivations, make out outlines, collect the relative information and do some research, if necessary, before writing.
3.2.1 Creating a Motivation to Write
To teach writing effectively, the first thing a teacher need to do is to motivate learners to write. If students write simply for the sake of writing, they will find it difficult to come up with ideas. Only when students have a clear purpose or a reason to write, will they feel motivated or eager to write. The teacher at this stage should try to create a reason for students to write, make them feel interested and have things to say. For this reason, the topic for writing should be familiar, meaningful and relevant to students’ life and interests.
3.2.2 Outlining
After students have gathered enough ideas, they need to write a more detailed outline. An outline usually illustrates the main organizing structure and the most important points of the essay. It may include the main idea of each paragraph with topic sentences and notes for supporting details. It may also include an introduction and a conclusion. An outline need not be fixed it can be changed if the writer has better ideas.
Outlining is the key stage which matters whether the writing is good or not. Students or writers should decide what to write at the first paragraph, what are their standpoints, and whether are their supporting points enough persuasive. After we write out all the possible points which may be related to the topic “Advertisement: Good or Bad”, we should separate the good points from the bad ones. Then writers should decide whether they strongly agree with the good points or the bad ones. The outline can be done as follows:
1. Advertisements can be a service to people.
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