英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧 第3页
their actual needs. Instead, they are provided with a rigid set of guided structures in isolation. Taught in this way, the learners frequently fail to produce even the very basic language related to a specific situation.
Simulation techniques seem to be a better alternative, as they seek to place learners in a situation where they are asked to play different roles or to accomplish their specific tasks, including problem solving. They offer an opportunity for the learners to practice using the language in the right place at the right time and as appropriately as possible.
The most obvious advantage of such techniques lies in that it puts the learners in realistic situations. By simulating the physical circumstances of certain situations, the students can have more chances to use and to practice the sort of practical English language programs, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation, so that learners can rehearse such items in the daily lives. In addition, they can express what they want to say whenever the situation calls for it. The teacher provides the best conditions for learning through creating the realistic situation.
2.2.2 The Class Should Be Made Students-centered
The focus of classroom should be shifted from the teacher-centered into the learners-centered. The present teaching in China, however, is just the opposite; the class is just mainly teacher-centered.
The teacher does most the talking and always has the whole class under his strict control by lecturing, questioning, correcting students and often supplying correct answers to the exercises.
In such a class, the teacher is obviously the most authoritative person. Students always act according to what the teacher wants them to accomplish but not what they themselves want to accomplish.
Such kind of teachers’ role, in fact, encourages the students to depend too much on teachers without thinking independently. So it appears that sometimes, even if the students have understood the text they are reading, they do not have the courage to speak out when called upon, for fear that they may not be right. As a result, the long-term practice of teacher-centeredness in education has actually lessened the opportunities for the students to analyze and judge things for themselves, and it has possibly encouraged the students’ laziness in thinking. Giving up their natural instincts for active thinking, they may spend most of their time copying from the blackboard, following the teacher’s talk and taking the note. Too much of this will harm the students’ initiatives and reduce their enthusiasm in study.
The class should be learners-centered. Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep focus on the students not on himself and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. The teacher is expected to “lead from behind”, i.e, to act more as adviser and to participate in the interactions if possible. The teacher should allow full scope for his students’ spontaneous learning process and give more opportunities for the students to talk, perform and express their own ideas. In this way, the students will no longer feel inferior. Gradually, they will form a positive attitude toward English studying. The proposed teachers’ role in the classroom is significant not only for classroom methodological reasons, but also, as we shall see, for its effect on human relationships in classroom. This relationship will contribute favorably to effective learning.
Students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to communicate. Practically speaking, teachers can play several roles in the class: they can direct the class activities, designs(lay out) the scene of communication, and also he is a毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com consultant — guiding the communication and solving the problems in communication. At the same time, the teacher should be a partner of communication — he takes part in the students’ communication. Of course, the students should throw themselves into communication actively. They can learn the target language through communication, and improve their listening and speaking ability through communication.
These two principles, of course, can not solve all the problems, for communication teaching does not only involve methods and techniques but also material development, testing, class organization and possibly the retraining of the staff. These big issues have to be dealt with if a genuine communicative approach is to be followed.
The communicative approach is an effective teaching method, which helps the students to develop the ability to use a new language practically. In specific language environment, it requires the students to communicate each other in the language they are learning. The students and teachers should put themselves into the “real” scene. Gradually, they would able to accumulate the perceptual knowledge of English and then develop the sensibility of this language, thus, to achieve the purpose of grasping a language. Communicative approach, on the one hand, emphasizes teaching the students the real language; on the other hand, emphasizes that the students are the hubs of the class. The teacher should just organize and guide the students to have the communicative activities. In some aspects, we can say in the communicative activity, the process is more important than the result. So the teacher must arouse the students’ enthusiasm to the rein of their subjective initiative completely. It can not only avoid the drawbacks of grammar translation methods but also eliminate the ignorance of the students’ listening and speaking ability. It requires the stressing of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also emphasizes the meaningful real communication. So in the teaching process, it sets up some language models which can be used in the real communication. Its focal point is to train the students to use the language in communicative circumstance. It helps the students to develop the skill of listening and speaking. It gives the students the chances to participate in the teaching activities.
The aim of teaching English is to develop the student’s ability of using language communicative ability. We say the process of teaching is the process of communication, so English teaching should use the communicative approach.
2.3 Some Suggested Activities for Teaching
2.3.1 Free Talk or Five-minute Social Report
Students are required in turns to give a short speech on whatever topics. The speech must be prepared before each class and an English teacher observes carefully and perhaps gives some feed back or makes some comments on students' performance.
2.3.2 Buzz Group Discussion
A further, more flexible way of teaching language is to give students a designed topic to discuss in a group. Students sit together, facing one another in a small but intimate circle and
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