英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧摘 要为了解决现今中国英语教学及学习中所出现的问题,本文将简要介绍交际教学法的相关内容。实际上,大多数教师们也逐渐发现交际教学法在英语教学中应用的重要性。听、说、读、写、译是英语学习的五大基本要素,写作能力可以通过人们的日常交际提升。为了方便阐述本论文可分为两大部分。一方面,论文将阐述在写作课堂中老师应如何应用交际法和所应采取的措施。另一方面,本文还将就如何写作给出一些建设性的意见。
关键词:交际法 英语教学 学习技巧 写作
The Communicative Approach in English Teaching and the Learning Strategy in Writing
ABSTRACT In order to solve the problems of English teaching and learning in China at present stage, the paper is aimed to briefly introduce my understanding on the one of the most popular teaching methodologies — the Communicative Approach. As a matter of fact, majority of teachers have now gradually realized their importance of using the communicative approach in their teaching jobs. Furthermore, writing, as one of the five inseparable elementary skills of learning English, that is, listening, speaking, reading writing and translating, can be effectively improved only through more day-to-day communication. For convenience in presentation, I have divided my paper into two main parts. The first part of it deals with the problem on how communicative approach can be applied in the English writing, and what kinds of writing activities should be initiated. On the other part of it is to give students some suggestions about how to improve their compositions more quickly.
Keywords: Communicative Approach English teaching learning strategy writing
摘 要 II
1. Problems With English Teaching and Learning in China 1
1.1 Teachers’ Inappropriate Methods to Teach English 1
1.2 Students’ Inappropriate Ways in English Learning 1
2. The Communicative Approach in English Teaching 2
2.1 The Definition of Communicative Approach 2
2.2 Two Principles of Communicative Approach 3
2.2.1 Create More Realistic Situations 3
2.2.2 The Class Should Be Made Students-centered 4
2.3 Some Suggested Activities for Teaching 6
2.3.1 Free Talk or Five-minute Social Report 6
2.3.2 Buzz Group Discussion 6
2.3.3Role-play and English Games 6
2.3.4 Picture Talk 7
2.3.5 Debate and Discussion 7
2.3.6 Information Gap 7
2.3.7 Project Work 7
3. Apply the Communicative Approach to English Writing 8
3.1 What, Why and How for the Learners to Write 8
3.2 The Writing Process 8
3.2.1 Creating a Motivation to Write 9
3.2.2 Outlining 9
3.2.3 Collecting In毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com formation 10
3.2.4 Doing Research 10
3.2.5 Drafting 11
3.2.6 Editing 13
3.2.7 Revising 14
3.2.8 Proofreading 14
3.3 Using the Internet to Promote Process Writing 15
3.4 Teachers’ Role in the Learners’ Practical Writing 16
4. The Learning Strategy of Writing 17
4.1 Criteria of a Good Composition 17
4.2 Six Basic Rules for Writing 17
Conclusion 19
References: 20
Acknowledgements 1603
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