企业的过程绩效考核评价方法英文文献及翻译 第5页
vertical aspect of the enterprise process, i.e., from the beginning to the end of a process, product information flow indicates the generation relations between products. The generation of products’ tree structure can be referred from the sub-process model by process tracking. It serves as a producing history supporting quality improvement and the tracking of producing responsibility of products. From the horizontal aspect, i.e., upon the input or output of an activity in an enterprise proces毕业论文 s, product information flow shows its product heap state. The product heap quantity queue in the horizontal product flow can be used to study ‘‘Zero Inventory’’ and ‘‘Just-In-Time’’ inventory management. It can reflect the cooperative degree/balance between producing activity and consuming activity for the product.
Data flow is a time sequence to describe the data changes in the behavior model and database or ?le system. It is ordered by time and used to veri本文来自优'文~论^文,网fy process execution. Similar to the product information flow, the data generated by the activities from start to stop of a process execution form a horizontal data flow, which can be used for analyzing the operations of the behavior model within a process model. The data at one particular point varying over time within the process model are a vertical data flow for analyzing the function of the behavior model in an enterprise model. In fact, enterprise supply chain management is a spread of analysis and management of product information flow and data flow.
2.3 Resource flow
Resource flow is the resource usage varying with time in the execution of enterprise processes. For example, resource flow on personnel is called personnel flow. The resource consumption is defined in the specification of resource related to an activity. Thus, resource flow can be calculated on the basis of activity flow. The difference between information flow and resource flow is that resources only support activity operations, but are not consumed and processed as information. Therefore, resource flow only focuses on the horizontal aspect, i.e., to calculate the consumption of all kinds of resources in an enterprise process at some time.
2.4 Cost flow
Cost flow is a time order of the expense in a business process. In general, cost flow may be divided into resource usage cost and source product cost (i.e., material cost). It is used to show the consumed cost during the life cycle of a process.
2.5 Cash flow
Cash flow is the amount of cash varying with time in an enterprise process execution. A complete enterprise process model should consist of various sub-processes such as the main production plan, product design, manufacturing, finance management, human resource management, material purchasing and product sales and so on. The sale sub-process is a part of the process model and all the incomes can be obtained in this process from customers.
For an intermediate product, its cost can be calculated by adding its source products’ cost and the producing cost of all the activities from its source products to itself. Using this method, all end products’ costs can be obtained, and form the cash flow in an enterprise process.
To analyze the amount and the features of cash flow for an enterprise, we need to discuss the income in the sale sub process. It is very important for cash flow analysis and profit flow analysis. All the end products in this sub-process are called goods, and the sale prices can be defined in the specification of goods according to their costs.
2.6 Prorit flow
In this way, dividing execution time of enterprise process into n time sections and calculating profits in each section, we can get cash flow and profit flow in the enterprise process. Their prediction is the key for the enterprise to make investment decisions and process re-engineering. Fora candidate investment project or a process to be improved, its economic lifecycle needs to be estimated first Then it is necessary to calculate income and expenditure in each time section throughout its lifecycle.
During the enterprise process execution, in addition to the investment and outcome for the process, enterprise profits are affected by the elements from external environments, such as management and revenue policies. Therefore, profit flow, which describes actual profits for the enterprise, can be inferred from cash flow.
3 Dynamic evaluation based on enterprise process flow analysis
During the enterprise modeling, the proposed evaluation method supports the following two kinds of enterprise process dynamic modeling: stream-like and project-oriented. The former is characterized by a random discrete sequence to describe a specific distribution for source product arrival frequency. It can be used to describe the services in mass production in manufacturing industry. Project-oriented process is a kind of process activated by an event set and ended by an event from the process. It is suitable to describe engineering projects and single-piece production.
This section focuses on discussion of above criteria and the evaluation model. To evaluate these different types of processes, different 毕业论文 evaluation criteria need to be considered. The proposed evaluation system built in process simulation and optimization environment enables dynamic analysis and evaluation of the enterprise process from time, cost, quality, service, efficiency, speed, and importance. In order to evaluate enterprise processes, enterprise-level decision model needs to be defined with the objectives and their weights, and business process’ importance. These can be implemented using a matrix illustrates the system architecture, which can be implemented through following three steps:
- Single criteria evaluation: The first six types of criteria will be discussed in Section 3.2.
- Single process本文来自优'文~论^文,网 evaluation: Time, quality, service, efficiency and speed are the evaluation criteria of enterprise process performance, and cost is the economic evaluation criterion. They are used for single process evaluation by linear weighting approach in Section 3.3.1.
-Integrated processes evaluation: As a weight coefficient of comprehensive evaluation of process, Importance will be used for comprehensive evaluation of enterprise processes and will be discussed in Section 3.3.2.
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