客户关系管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第7页
create a long-term relationship with the client. To that end, these processes must be conceptually integrated and they must feed off on another in order to achieve the objectives set by CRM. It is important to note that according to experience many organizations implement CRM systems in functional silos such as sales, marketing and call center. And his experience states that CRM evolved from business processes such as relationship marketing and the increased emphasis on improved customer retention through the effective management of customer relationships.
2.2. Human factor
The key factor in a CRM strategy is how the relationship with the client is handled. This approach relies on the fact that for this relationship to exist there must be at least two parties involved: a provider and a buyer. According to, most corporate strategies place more weight on internal processes, sacrificing – in most cases – all the aspects related to the client.
In order to have a stable relationship with the client, the company must be aware of three key aspects. First, it must know how the client defines value. Then, it must provide satisfaction according to the needs and value standards of the client. Finally, it must work toward retention and loyalty from the customer.
• Value. According to when any one thing, within a commercial relationship, generates value for a client, the client will be willing to buy it. A study by Zeithaml and Bitner quoted by, shows that clients identify value in different ways: (1) What the customer wants from a product or service. (2) Low price. (3) Quality/price correlation. (4) What is the customer gives up in relation to what he or she gets.
• Satisfaction. One of the most popular formal definitions found in the literature, regarding satisfaction, is given by Oliver, quoted by. He states that satisfaction is the response of fulfillment from the customer. It is a verdict of accomplishment of the expectations, motivated by an attribute of the product or the service, (or by the product or service as a whole).This in turn, provides the customer with a pleasure level. Satisfied customers are key when maintaining a long-term relationship, since their satisfaction will translate into retention and loyalty.
• Retention and loyalty. Loyalty in clients is one of the most sought after objectives on the market today. It is increasingly evident that the most profitable customers are those who have an enduring relationship with the company; customers who are loyal to one or several of the products or services that company provides. Loyalty involves more than simply retaining the client. It is connected to an evolution of the satisfaction of the client and the relationship between client and company over time. Loyalty can be defined as the personal identification felt by the client in regards to the performance of a product or service, and how this feeling drives the client’s behavior. Loyalty is closely related to performance: having the right product or service, at the right price and at the right time and place. It also involves a connection and successfully satisfying the client’s needs.
2.3. Technology
Within many commercial relationships – and especially within those involving buyers and clients – the technology has often been the origin of new paradigms and ways of doing business, which many companies have been forced to adopt. On the other hand, technology has also offered solutions to these very challenges. Peppard suggests that technological advantages in global networks, convergence and improved interactivity, are key to explaining the growth of e-business and CRM. 本文来自优.文;论^文-网
It is important to consider that in order to implement a CRM strategy within the context of systems, companies do not start off from zero. Generally the companies already have information about the client, but that information exists within isolated systems. One of the biggest challenges that companies face today, is understanding the need to integrate the applications in order to be able to compile all the available information related to the client.
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