客户关系管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第5页
(3)The belief that by purchasing a software package, a CRM is obtained, forgetting that there are important points, such as integration of present systems and the change of organizational culture.
(4)An inefficient communication between the departments involved in the processes.
(5)The lack of definition of metrics that allow understanding the evolution and benefits CRM is providing.
Payne assures that traditional marketing was focused in wining customers; now, with the CRM focus, the purpose is both to win as to maintain the customers. The new CRM paradigm reflects a change in the traditional marketing, described as “customer management”. According to, CRM evolved from business processes, such as relationship marketing, and the increased emphasis on improved customer retention through the effective management of customer relationships.
Relationship marketing emphasizes that customer retention affects the company’s profitability because it is more efficient to maintain an existing customer relationship than create a new one and. Buttle is more concrete, stating that CRM has a marketing impact, but also in sales operations, customer service, human resources, research and development, finances and information technologies.
In some organizations, CRM is simply a technology solution that extends separate databases and sales force automation tools to link sales and marketing functions in order to improve targeting efforts. Other organizations consider CRM as a tool specifically designed for one-to-one customer communications, a only responsibility of sales/service, call centers, or marketing departments. Attempting to connect the customer with the product can be achieved by automating a series of processes within the organization that allow the creation of that connection. This focus is no more than a transformation of the product – based on marketing focus, towards a technology – based on customer focus.
Thus, it is apparent that the CRM concept has a technological component, but evidently affects and involves other aspects of the organization. Although the technological component is present, it is important to understand that the organization must be viewed from a systemic perspective. This confusion about the definition of CRM is also a likely contributor to the problems faced by organizations. They need to understand the theoretical and practical implications of the business perspective of CRM before initiating a CRM system project. CRM systems must be considered as, potentially, a key component of the operation of a CRM strategy – not the only component. These issues contribute to a critical vehicle for understanding the resulting problems associated with CRM implementation and usage.
To achieve the CRM objective, there is a series of aspects involved and:
• The Processes through which the customer relates with the organization, according to Thompson, are: marketing, sales, and service. In addition to these processes, and depending on the area of business, there are other processes which are directly affected and that must also be considered. The latter processes, however, are the most common and, generally, of broader scope.毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com• The Human factor (people) with a key role within the CRM strategy, both on behalf of employees within the organization (who must be immersed in a cultural change) as of the customers.
• The Technology is what facilitates implementing the CRM strategy; thus, it is necessary to know which of these technologies are and how they favor the CRM strategy.本文来自优.文;论^文-网
The focus of this work is based on, which establishes that CRM is not merely technology applications for marketing, sales and service, but rather – when fully and successfully implemented – a cross-functional, customer-driven, technology-integrated business strategy that maximizes relationships and encompasses the entire organization.
A CRM business strategy includes marketing, operations, sales, customer service, human resources, R&D and finance, as well as information technology and the Internet to maximize the profitability of customer interactions. For customers, CRM offers customization, simplicity, and convenience for completing transactions, regardless of the channel used for interaction.
The processes, human factor, and technology aspects for CRM are described in detail below.
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