客户关系管理英文文献翻译及参考文献 第4页
2 Customer relationship management
In the late 1960s, Levitt suggested that the goal of businesses was to “create and maintain customers”. After more than two generations, it can be appreciated how the CRM concept, and the need to maintain a long-term relationship with customers, is becoming an important issue. The main reason for this customer’s importance return within the company is the change in the way of doing business nowadays. In recent years, a study forecasts that for various reasons, and with more or less clarity regarding the subject, the companies have a new trend to implement CRM as a factor that will allow them to survive in these new market conditions, favoring the relationship with their customers.
Even though CRM systems are becoming a widely popular choice for implementation, success is becoming illusive. A survey of 202 CRM projects found that only 30.7% of the organizations recognized that they had achieved improvements in the way they sell to and serve customers . Recently, a broader survey estimates that 70% of companies will fail eventually . The Giga survey revealed that: (1) companies generally underestimate the complexity of CRM, (2) they lack clear business objectives, and (3) tend to invest inadequately in the provision of CRM software.
Considering this environment, and the evidence of the importance of having a close relationship with the customer for the companies’ future, it is imperative that impacts be measured and everything related to CRM be handled with care. One of the problems that this term faces is to know its implications, as various trends exist within the market. One of the most popular trends is the software manufacturers’ one, which identifies CRM as a series of information technology (IT) products oriented towards automating some business processes such as marketing, sales, or services. According to“to be successful, CRM projects need to be viewed as more than the implementation of IT.” These solutions are valid as they allow obtaining some results regarding improvement in attention to the customer; nevertheless, CRM is a complex term that involves several aspects within the organization and it cannot be reduced to only one of these aspects. Systemic approaches to CRM help organizations coordinate and effectively maintain the growth of different customer contact points or communication channels. The systemic approach places CRM at the core of the organization, with customer-orientated business processes and the integration of CRM systems.
In this sense, only 3% of the companies are developing successful CRM projects; 17% are starting to see the projects from a holistic focus; 35% of the companies have started projects without any type of coordination; and 45% have not evaluated CRM. Due to the complexity of starting a CRM strategy, encountered by several companies, some counseling companies and companies handling statistic data, have observed the mistakes incurred in the past. They recommend some practices and considerations to be taken into account.
In this research, some references are made to this point, to highlight and sustain the importance of each of the aspects related to a CRM strategy. For instance, the study performed by Forsyth took a sample of about 700 companies, with regards to the causes of failure to reach the CRM benefits. The main causes of failure were:
(1)Organizational change (29%).本文来自优.文;论^文-网
(2)Company policies/inertia (22%).
(3)Little understanding of CRM (20%).
(4)Poor CRM skills (6%).
This evidences the importance of defining CRM as a business strategy and, thus, as starting point for the organization’s senior management. In addition, the relevance of taking into account the change in the environment of the manner of working of the people, and how to focus and relate within this new culture. As CRM is a relatively new concept, there are few experienced companies that allow adequate understanding and implementation. Consequently, there is an imperative need to know more on the subject, evaluate experiences obtained by other companies, and to find the skills, both internal and external, to implement CRM.
On the other hand, Kirby expresses the following observations confirming the statements mentioned by Forsyth adding new elements: 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com(1)The Directors’ understanding that CRM is not only a strategy requiring changes in different company aspects, and its implementation is not instantaneous.
(2)Presuming that the customer is already well known, and not use the available resources to collect and input all information related to the customer.
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