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英语口译训练方法研究 第2页

更新时间:2010-9-11:  来源:毕业论文
英语口译训练方法研究 第2页
口译训练模式研究摘  要
口译是特殊环境下的语言交际活动,随着人类社会的发展与进步,口译使得人类的语言交际更加丰富。现今社会对口译人才的需求量急剧增加,对口译人才的质量要求也越来越高。作为培养口译人才的最佳途径,口译训练模式是口译训练不可或缺的组成部分。本文主要针对口译训练模式进行讨论,除了研究著名的吉尔模式(包括多任务处理模式和口译理解模式),还对国内学者提出的著名的口译训练模式如厦大口译训练模式、“3P”口译训练模式和APEC Model交替传译短时记忆训练模式进行了较为全面的探讨。从基础理论着手,对现有的口译训练模式进行梳理,并总结概括各自的特点。关键词:口译  训练模式  研究
On Interpreting Training Models ABSTRACT
Interpreting is the communicative activity under special circumstances. With the development of human society, interpreting enriches human verbal communication. In today’s society, the demand for interpreters increases dramatically, and the requirements of interpreter’s qualification increases availably. Being the best way to cultivate the interpreter, the interpreting training models are the most fundamental part of interpreting training which can never be exaggerated. This thesis mainly discusses those famous interpreting training models. Besides researching Gile Model(including Effort Model and Comprehension Model), the author also gives a general discussion on those models presented by scholars in our country, Xiada Model, “3P” Model and APEC Model. Based on cognitive concepts, this article makes analytical studies on those interpreting training models mentioned above, and gives an conclusion of each models’ characteristics.Keywords:Interpreting, Training Models,  Study
Chapter 2 Interpreting Training Models
2.1 Gile Model本文来自优'文~论-文^网
From the late 1980s, the investment of interpreting has gone into the stage with more disciplines, and the typical character of this period will definitely be Daniel Gile, the distinguished interpreting research scholar, who has fruitful achievements in interpreting studies. The citations of Gile’s works was far ahead than any other works, which made Gile accordingly true to his name as the prolocutor of interpreting studies. His monograph, Basic Concepts and Models for Translator and Interpreter Training, is the one to be usually referenced in his work aiming at the different work patterns of interpreting, Gile came up with “Effort Model” (Gile, 1995: 179).
2.1.1 Effort Model for Simultaneous Interpreting
Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is a complex skill in which language comprehension and production take place at the same time in two languages within the limited time, which will bring great pressure to the interpreter including altitudinal cognitive processing.
In the model of simultaneous interpreting, simultaneous interpreting has been considered as the multistep process composed by utterance discrimination, storage mechanism, transform, expression and supervision mechanism (Moser-Mercer, 1997:177).
Paradis and Setton excessively used cognitive psychology, neurolinguistics and the linked development of linguistics, originated their own simultaneous interpreting model.
Differently, Gile tried another way and constructed a distinct effort model, turning the purpose of describing the process of interpreting into the explanation of the difficulties in interpreting and the common responses of the interpreters (Mahmoodzadeh, K, 1992:231-236). In his point of view, interpreting training should be established in linguistic competence, analytical ability and non-linguistic knowledge. His model views interpreting as a procure to deal with several mission毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com s and the information from the source language, on that degree, interpreting training should be adapted to analyse and evaluate the process of interpreting in order to find out the problems during interpreting but not only emphasizes on the result of interpreting (XIAO Xiaoyan, 2001).
The favorable accomplishment of interpreting requires the interpreters to regulate and distribute their attentions during listening, memorizing and interpreting. Gile believes that the amounts of attention during interpreting should be equal or less to the attention that human brains could afford (GUO Lanyin, 2007:74). Since the affordable amount of attention from human brain is limited, the amount of attentions that are needed from every step during interpreting should never go beyond the limit, or else, the quality of interpreting can not be guaranteed (ZHANG Jiliang, 2003a).
Effort Model not only draws lessons from research result of psychology, but also applies cognitive conception, and gave the meaning that human brain is the confined space of information processing. In accordance with his model, to make sure that the interpreting goes smoothly, the total processing capacity available for the interpreter must equal to or more than the total processing capacity required. Gile concludes interpreting as the equation of following three tasks:

SI = L + M +P + C

Simultaneous Interpreting = listening and analysis + short-term memory effort + speech production + coordination
SI=Simultaneous Interpreting.
L=Listening and Analysis, which includes all the mental operations between perception of a discourse by auditory mechanisms and the moment at which the interpreter either assigns, or decides not to assign, a meaning (or several potential meanings) to the segment which he has heard.
M=Short-term Memory, which includes all the mental operations related to storage in memory of heard segments of discourse until either their restitution in the target language, their loss if they vanish from memory, or a decision by the interpreter not to interpret them.
P=Production, which includes all the mental operations between the moment at which the interpreter decides to convey a datum or an idea and the moment at which he articulates (overtly produces) the form he has prepared to articulate (Gile,1995:93).
Gile emphasizes that the memory effort is assumed to stem form the need to store the words of a proposition until the hearer receives the end of that proposition. The storage of information is claimed to be particularly demanding in SI, since both the volume of information and the pace of storage and retrieval are imposed by the

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