归化与异化翻译论文 第4页
Why Have the Disputes Always Been Going on?
From the review of the arguments over domestication and foreignization, it is not difficult for us to find that translators always tend to overstress the importance of one strategy and ignore the role of the other. They want to propose a universal strategy from their own position. That is why the disputes have always been going on.
The translators who prefer foreignization have given five reasons (郭建中, 1998:13):
(a) It is necessary for the TL readers to expose themselves to foreign cultures, which is usually their goal in reading translated works.
(b) Translators should believe that readers have possessed the intelligence and imagination to understand the heterogeneity or foreignness of other cultures.
(c) The transplantation of the SL culture into the TL culture will enrich the TL culture as well as the variety of expressions of target language.
(d) Translation should perform the function of cultural exchange, which is also the chief aim of it.
(e) Fidelity is not achieved unless translation version conveys all the phenomena of the source language and culture.
People in favor of domestication have also listed five reasons, although in more length (ibid.):
(a) Generally speaking, it is impractical to try to impose the norms of SL on the TL. Likewise, it is dangerous to impose the value system of the SL culture on the TL culture. Therefore, translation works have to get over not only linguistic barriers but also the cultural barriers.
(b) Since translating means communicating, it is part of translator’s jobs to avoid cultural conflict as much as possible, which would result in various forms of misunderstanding. So while trying to transplant a text into another culture, translators must consider carefully the ideological implications of the two cultures.
(c) The TL readers will get a better understanding if the content and form of the translation version are within their easy reach of their world knowledge. So it is necessary for translators to adapt the SL culture to TL culture whenever possible. At the same time, in the process of cross-cultural communication, as “transmitters”, translators should eliminate the obstacles or alienation and transmit the meaning of the SL culture to the TL readers.
(d) Translators should not be so demanding on readers’ intelligence and imagination and nor ask for their understanding of the ST writer’ world. Instead, translators should try their best to bring the world reflected in the ST as closely as possible to that of the TL readers.
(e)From a communicative point of view, an effective communicating means in one culture may not always work in another. In translation we cannot guarantee that the translation versions have the same or similar effect on readers of the TL culture as the original 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com may have had on readers of the SL culture even if we translate each word in the ST with their utmost equivalence in the TT, for the TT readers tend to understand the translation according to their own customs, ideas, or world-views. In a sense, translating meaning aims at achieving “cultural equivalence” between the SL culture and the TL culture.本文来自优;文*论-文~网
2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Domestication and Foreignization
In the disputes, different translators showed their preference on different translation strategies. In fact, both domestication and foreignization have their advantages and disadvantages.
Applying the strategy of domestication, the translation is easier for the readers to understand and accept, because the fluent, transparent and natural expressions and styles are adopted, which are familiar to the TT readers. Thus the translation can achieve the naturalness and smoothness or “dynamical equivalence”, but at the expense of the cultural and stylistic information of the ST.
Applying the strategy of foreignization, the translation preserves the formal features of the SL and informs the readers of the SL-culture accordingly. But there is the possibility that the target readers may have some difficulties on the understanding. For example, if the reader can’t understand the linguistic features and the alien cultural images, he can’t receive the information and the cultural message contained in the ST, resulting in misunderstanding; even fail to understand the ST.
In a word, both domesticating and foreignizing translations have their good points and weak points. Although the dichotomy of domestication and foreignization are in strong contrast in theory; their difference is one of degree rather than of kind in operation, each has its own potential pros and cons. There is no adoption of complete domesticating translation and foreignizing translation in practice. Both the strategies are, from the dialectical perspective, complementary to and interdependent on each other if we take such factors into consideration, which influence a translator’s strategy choice, and thus which strategy should be adopted under certain condition. So the translator may adopt both, or just alternate one with the other.
In the next chapter, the author will analyze these factors that may have influence on translators’ strategy selection, illuminating the relationship between the two translation strategies and providing some suggestions on how to choose an appropriate translation strategy.
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