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归化与异化翻译论文 第2页

更新时间:2010-9-9:  来源:毕业论文
归化与异化翻译论文 第2页
归化与异化翻译摘  要
Domestication or Foreignism-oriented Skills in Translation ABSTRACT
Translation, a bridge between different languages and cultures, plays an indispensable role in cross-culture communication. However, as a translator, we have to choose which strategy to deal with the cultural differences between the source language and the target language in the process of translation where there exists two major translation strategies--- domestication and foreignization. In this thesis, I will discuss these strategies and their application from translation, linguistics, and cross-cultural communication perspectives.
In the thesis, I will first talk about the current research of the domestication and foreignization in the translation circle as well as point out the necessity for further research. Then, I will illustrate the relationship between linguistics and translation as well as between culture and translating and next systematically discuss these two translation strategies including their definitions, the controversy in history and their current studies.本文来自优;文*论-文~网
Besides, I will continue to deal with such neglected factors as may influence the translator’s choice of translation strategies: the type of the source text (ST), the translation purposes, the level of the intended readers, the social and historical background, the translator’s attitude and so on. Finally, from the linguistic and cultural perspectives, the thesis makes a comparative study of the application of domestication and foreignization by analyzing typical examples from the two English versions of Hong Lou Meng translated by Yang Xianyi and David Hawkes respectively.
The thesis will conclude that these two translation strategies have their respective features and applicable value. I sincerely hope that this research into translation strategies will enlighten translators and make a little contribution to the prosperity of translation studies and translation practice in China.
Key words: translation strategy; domestication; foreignization; applicationStudies of Domestication and Foreignization
Since the “Cultural Turn” in the study of translation, there is a new trend in the field: culture-oriented translation, which views translation not only as an inter-lingual communication but also as an inter-cultural communication by means of which culture of one language can be and should be transmitted into that of another. E. A. Nida thinks that “for truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meaning in terms of the cultures in which they function” (Nida, 2001:82). Translation is in its essence a kind of intercultural communication and is closely related to culture. “Accordingly, competent translators are always aware of that ultimately words only have meaning in terms of the corresponding culture” (Nida, 2001:139).
People have paid more and more attention on the cultural factors. However, the “gap” or “distance” between the source culture and the target culture has always been a hard nut for translators to crack. Generally speaking, there are two main translation strategies applied by the translators to tackle the problem, one is domestication and the other is foreignization. The former refers to the translation strategy “whose application leads to a transparent, fluent style so that the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers” is minimized, while the use of the latter brings about a target text where the translator retains “something of the foreignism of the original” in stead of “following the target language conventions” (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 2004:43). Some scholars prefer foreignization while others would like to turn to domestication. The typical representative of domestication is E. A. Nida, who proposes “Dynamic Equivalence” in毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com  translation and “aims at complete naturalness of expression… and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Venuti, 2004:21). In China, Qian Zhongshu (钱钟书) once said, “the highest translation criterion of literature is ‘Sublimation’(“化境”)…the translation should be natural and keep the foreign flavor…” Fu Lei (傅雷) adhered to “resemblance in spirit” rather than “resemblance in form”. On the other hand, L. Venuti proposes “resistant translation” which “avoids fluency” and “challenges the target-language culture”. Undoubtedly, he advocates foreignization. In China, Lu Xun (鲁迅), Liu Yingkai (刘英凯), Sun Zhili (孙致礼) all prefer to adopting foreignization.

1.3 The Purpose, Significance and the Framework of the Thesis
The disputes over the choice of these two strategies have lasted for a long time. Both in China and abroad, there are two contrary opinions. Some scholars think that domestication will become more popular, whereas others maintain that foreignization will be more commonly adopted. They all like to affirm one to the negation of the other. Apparently, it is not appropriate to emphasize one strategy to the neglect of the other.
This thesis sets out to study domestication and foreignization from a dialectical viewpoint and aims to prove and draw the conclusion that these two strategies are justified for their existence and are supplementary to each other. Overemphasis of one strategy from a static and absolute viewpoint is one-sided and unscientific. We can never regard a translation strategy as absolute nor can we exclude it completely. We should take a dialectical view of translation strategies. The study of translation strategies will provide translators with theoretical guidance in their translation practice and will contribute to the prosperity of translation studies.

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