1. Introduction
Translation is the comprehension of the meaning of a subject and the subsequent production of an equivalent topic, likewise called a "translation," that communicates the same message in another language. The development of transportation means and telecommunication facilities allows more and more people to travel outside their countries for the purpose of relaxation. The translation of signs in scenic spots, advertisements and food plays a crucial role in tourism translation. The scenic-spot translation is specifically aimed at foreign tourists. The large cultural gap between China and the western countries makes the translation of Chinese scenic-spot introductions, which contains a lot of cultural elements, a job that requires painstaking efforts. The translator not only has to have a good grasp of both Chinese and English, but also be highly proficient in intercultural transfer.
1.1 The assessment of translation
The criterion of translation functions as the guiding principles for the translation process and as the standards for determining the quality of the translated works. The original text consists of two constituent ingredients: content and form. Some well-known translators or translation theorists at home and abroad have put forward criteria to judge the quality of translation.
Yan Fu put forward triple principle of translation: Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance. (信、达、雅)
Lu Xun put forward Faithfulness and Smoothness as the principle of translation. (信、顺)
Alexander Fraser Tyler, a famous British translation theorist, put forward the classical criteria in his Essay on the Principle of Translation.
(1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work
(2) The style and manner of writing in the translation should be of the same character with that of the original
(3) The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.
Every translator has his framework of some basic translation theory. Different text styles and types require in translation not only different transfer methods, but also different translation criteria.
1.2 Definition of tourism
Communication among nations has long been the main theme of human Tourism is an activity done by an individual or a group of individuals, which leads to a motion from a place to another. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". The purpose of traveling leads to an awareness of other civilizations and cultures also increases the knowledge of countries, cultures, and history. 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
With the ever-growing need for the development of global economy, tourism, as one of the important means that help to realize the full prosperity of society and promote the understanding among people, is being placed in a more and more crucial position. Nowadays, people living within the “global village” are provided with convenient resources to travel and to enlarge their eyesight. Thus tourism has become a new economic growth point which has exceeded some other industries and has earned its name as本文来自优-文'论-文~网 “sunrise industry” (Zhu, 2002). Along with the booming of global tourism, China’s tourism has also witnessed a rapid development in both inbound and outbound sectors the words “inbound” and “outbound” are quoted from Travel and Tourism Dictionary, where “inbound tourists” referring to foreign tourists traveling in China, and “ outbound tourists” referring to Chinese tourists traveling abroad. According to a prediction made by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), China will become one of the key tourist destinations in the coming decade. Up to the year 2020, China will exceed other countries in becoming the biggest tourist destination. Being a country with splendid and unique scenery together with profound and outstanding culture, China has great potential in its inbound tourist market. Many foreign tourists are eager to know more about this mysterious land. The 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing also brings to China good opportunities for the development of tourism, especially for the inbound tourist market. The booming of inbound tourism market calls for sufficient and well-translated tourist materials, especially those from Chinese to English(C-E).
Abstract in EnglishⅠ
Abstract in ChineseⅡ
1. Introduction1
1.1 The assessment of translation1
1.2 Definition of tourism2
1.3 Scenic spots introduction2
2. Problems of tourism translation4
2.1 Linguistic Errors4
2.2 Diction4
2.2.1 Proper Name4
2.2.2 Pseudo-Equivalence5
2.2.3 Redundancy6
2.2.4 Monotony6
2.3 Chinglish7
2.3.1 Mechanical Transfers7
2.3.2 Run-on Sentences8
2.4 Language and culture10
2.4.1 Thinking patterns10
2.4.2 Linguistic taboo11
3. Types of tourism translation12
3.1 Public Signs in Scenic Spots12
3.2 Advertisement translation14
3.3 Food translation15
3.3.1 Delivering messages15
3.3.2 Cultural exchange15
3.3.3 Aesthetic value16
4. Possible solutions17
4.1 Literal translation17
4.2 Amplification with notes18
4.3 Free translation19
5. Conclusion21