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关于人才的英文文献及翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-8-20:  来源:毕业论文
关于人才的英文文献及翻译 第5页
the 'great' employee, and motivates the 'good' employee to become great.
Other common incentives include reimbursement for tuition on qualified programs, retirement plans, child-care subsidies and flexible schedules for working parents. 
Other benefits can be weekend excursions, leased vehicles, memberships in professional organizations, computers/laptops, cellular phones, additional paid days off, gifts and health club memberships. You can be creative; just make sure the employee perceives value in the benefit.
4.Improving the work environment can help retain employees. Most people spend more time with co-workers than with their families and look to fellow workers for support, encouragement and appreciation.
"With mentoring, someone is always there to answer questions on company culture, responsibilities, promotional opportunities and the like," says Ford. "A lot of companies find that it's been very successful, and I think, it will become more popular as word travels."
The Center for Creative Leadership in San Diego reports that firms offering employee development, good communication, ethical practices and other positive human factors enjoy greater retention rates and 20 percent higher profits. Here are some non-financial tools some employers use to help boost retention rates: 
5.Develop a career plan with employees. Help employees develop a career plan so they understand where they are going and why it makes sense to achieve those goals. 
6.Foster open dialog. Sharing operating and financial information helps build trust between employer and employee. It ultimately invests them with a feeling of ownership in the company and, in turn, a long-term stake in its future.
7.Listen to employees. Make suggestion boxes available and offer a reward for the suggestion of the week or month.
8.Build your team. Provide reward programs that recognize performance and achievement. Hold regular company socials to build rapport and enthusiasm.
Tips to attract quality employees
There are several tools that can help you find employees to fill open or new positions. Consider:
1.Develop ongoing advertising and marketing programs targeted to potential employees.
2.Use computer-based recruitment.
3.Network with associations, suppliers, owners and peers.
4.Establish a program that pays employees for successful referrals.
5.Be visible wherever the labor pool frequents, such as at industry associations and related events.
6. Visit job fairs and colleges and follow up on any leads.
7.Use a specialty recruitment firm to supplement your internal hiring efforts.
As competition 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com and maintaining a loyal work force and a higher retention.
There is a bottom line when it comes to employee retention. The quality of the supervision an employee receives is critical to employee retention. Surveys show that most people leave managers and supervisors more often than they leave companies or jobs.本文来自优*文*论-文|网
It is not enough that the manager is well-liked or a nice person. Sure, a nice, likeable manager earns you some points with your employees. A draconian, nasty, or controlling manager takes points away from your organization. But, a manager or supervisor, who is a pro at employee retention, knows that the quality of the supervision is the key factor in employee retention.
Effective Managers Create Employee Retention
Managers who retain staff start by communicating clear expectations to the employee.They share their picture of what constitutes success for the employee in both the expected deliverables from and the performance of their job.
These managers provide frequent feedback and make the employee feel valued. When an employee completes an exchange with a manager who retains staff, he or she feels empowered, enabled, and confident in their ability to get the job done.
Employee complaints about managers and supervisors center on these areas. Employees leave managers who fail to:
1.provide clarity about expectations,

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