关于人才的英文文献及翻译 第4页
Sell the position and the organization; create goodwill. This person has the potential to increase your profits.
Companies that approach their employees as numbers, and treat them as nothing but vessels from which to get money and revenue, fail at retaining their people, he adds.
"You have to be concerned about their welfare, and give them flexibility when they need it," says Groce. "If a company could provide some kind of day care, or anything like that with a personal touch, that would be a huge boon to their people. How about an employee with no more vacation time and an emergency illness with his mother? You tell him to go to her, and that vacation time can be figured out later. You need to cement the relationship as a supportive force in their lives."
Employees’ satisfaction
Butcher and St. John conducted a survey of their own employees to find out about their job satisfaction and what they like, or don't like, about their job. The company's financial health (66.7 percent) far outpaced benefits (41.7 percent) and salary (33.3 percent) as reasons for their satisfaction with their jobs. Other factors cited include flexibility, job security, relationship with colleagues, company size, relationship with management and feeling of being valued. Fifty-eight percent said that the work itself was what they liked most about their job; and 25 percent cited their salary as what they like least about their job.
"I think that their citing the company's financial health as their biggest reason for satisfaction is significant," says Butcher. "We asked them for their input, and it's noted that they feel valued and appreciate the flexible working environment."
Of IBS's 12 employees, the newest has been there four months, and the longest tenure is 20 years. The other 10 have been with the company for an average of nine years.
"We've set up an appraisal system, and the people here are responsible for their own success and happiness," says St. John. "Everyone knows where they stand. We solicit opinions constantly. We meet with each employee and appraise them two or three times a year, and give them the power to improve themselves. Ultimately that creates a feeling that they are responsible for themselves. But that they cited salary as what they like least is interesting, since most are overpaid comparatively in the industry, and feel as though they're not paid enough."
B. Keeping employees本文来自优*文*论-文|网
There are three parts to employee recruiting and retention: Identifying why employees leave; appreciating employees financially; and creating a better working environment.
Why do employees leave? When a problem arises on the jobsite, everything comes to a halt until the problem is identified and corrected. Contractors rarely follow the same process when an employee leaves.
Employers don’t have to wait until an employee leaves to begin taking preventive measures. They can begin by asking themselves, “If I were 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com would I want to work for my company?”
Many of the underlying reasons employees leave have little to do with money. They often leave because of a human factor such as management conflict, broken promises, or perceived lack of appreciation, support or direction. Still others have nothing to do with the employer, such as a need to be physically closer to family.
Financial steps to employee stability
Companies can do several things to appreciate employees financially. The first is to pay market wages. Associations, recruitment firms and even the Internet make compensation surveys readily available. Any employee worth keeping is smart enough to monitor these figures to make sure he or she is getting paid fair market value.
1.Stock plans can encourage loyalty. The most loyal employee is the one with ownership in the firm. Corey M. Rosen, the executive director for the National Center for Employee Ownership, states a strong stock plan can cut employee turnover in half.
2.Bonuses or other performance-based pay scales can instill loyalty. Payment on commission has been common for salespeople for years and it’s now becoming more prevalent for operations employees to earn compensation through bonuses and/ or commissions.
3.Benefits can entice and retain workers. Perks don’t have to cost a great deal of money and the message they send to the employee can increase loyalty and reduce turnover.
A lot of companies also give incentives such as cruises, vacations and the like. It rewards
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