关于人才的英文文献及翻译 第3页
that competes."
Improving quality of employees
The primary elements of any plan to improve the quality of the staff you employ include improving the quality of new hires, identifying and retaining superior employees, and developing employees (especially those with high potential for growth).
At the same time, you need to take a look at underperforming staff.. Ask whether each individual is in the wrong job. Determine whether the company has provided specific and clear requirements so the individual knows what you expect from him. Make sure you have provided feedback against goals and objectives so the person knows he is not meeting expectations.
A good employee’s expectations from a company
An employee in any business wants the following - in descending order of importance or weight.
1. Pleasure - Job pleasure includes looking forward to going to work and feeling satisfied when the day is done. What that means will be different for each employee. It may come from being creative, successfully carrying out an assignment or task, seeing a positive result from their actions, knowing they've contributed to someone else's good or receiving respect and recognition from others.
A creative person will be most productive being creative. A detail-oriented person will enjoy digging into the minutia. Moving a technical genius into an administrative position probably isn't going to be productive - anywhere. Job duties and individual personal qualities need to come together in order to maximize productivity.
2. Money - For most employees, money is only important when it feels like the pay does not match perceived value. Money can add to job pleasure, but does not replace it. Those who are driven by money alone may have trouble aligning with the rest of the team.
3. Comfort/Time-Off - Everyone has a different definition of comfort. For some people working close to home is a comfort because of family needs. Flexible time or extra time off may be needed for a variety of reasons. Willingness to negotiate is the key to success here.
4. Security/Benefits - No one wants to feel like they may be the next to go or that the company is in dire circumstances out of their control. Benefits are more important to some than to others. Benefits that fit the needs of each individual are ideal and may be negotiable. Make sure the employee understands their benefits and their responsibility in order to receive them.本文来自优*文*论-文|网
These are the prerequisites needed to experience job satisfaction. Any time an employee spends thinking about, talking about or pursuing any of these is unproductive time.The guy who goes home at the end of the day feeling satisfied will look forward to coming to 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com to recruit new staff. For some companies, it's a definitive avenue into figuring out a potential hire; for others, it's a preliminary step into deciding if this person would be good for the company.
Interviewing is the pivotal part of this whole process, because how else can you know if the potential employee is good, unless you ask questions, put them in situations, and test them for their ability to think on their feet? The ultimate importance of the interview is always up for debate, but how it is approached seems to be trending.
Conducting a Successful Interview
1.Be prepared; know what questions you’re going to ask.
Research the position, identify skills a qualified candidate should possess; if there is more than one person doing the interview, work together and be ready.
2.Be courteous; be on time; put YOUR best foot forward.
Show potential employees that your company is a great place to work.
3.Conduct the interview in a comfortable place; eliminate interruptions.
Your office is not a good place to conduct an interview. Use a conference room, private break area or other room where you won’t be interrupted.
4.Listen attentively; make eye contact; get to know the applicant.
You can learn a great deal about a person by simply listening to what they say and how they say it. Do they communicate well? Are they being honest? Listen and you’ll know.
5.Give the applicant time to ask questions about the company and the job.
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