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任务型教学法在初中英语阅读的应用 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-19:  来源:毕业论文
任务型教学法在初中英语阅读的应用 第2页
  On Application of Task-based Approach to Reading Teaching in English Class ABSTRACT
The teaching of reading in junior middle schools is an essential part of English education. The English Curriculum Criteria is being carried out throughout China, and it advocates the approach of task-based teaching and learning, The Task-Based  Language Teaching(TBLT)emphasizes that learning by doing motivates the students to tap their potential to study.
    Full understanding of TBLT is the necessary for its application. The paper first probes into relevant theory, including the theoretical bases, tasks and principles of Task-Based Language Teaching. Then the thesis explores the application of Task-Based language teaching, designing appropriate and efficient reading tasks as the core. Based on models of the reading process and the principles of task design, the thesis offers examples designed in the reading classroom.
    The result of the experiment proves that the TBLT approach is suitable for the Junior English reading teaching. It not only arouses students' interest in reading but also improves, to some extent, students' reading comprehension ability in the junior high English reading class.
Keywords: Junior high school  Task-based language teaching  reading models
任务型教学法在初中英语阅读的应用 第2页摘  要
实验结果证明任务型教学法是适用于初中英语阅读教学的。它不仅能提高初中学生阅读的兴趣,在一定程度上也能提高他们的阅读理解的能力。关键词: 初中英语阅读  任务型教学  英语阅读模式1.2.2  Bad English reading habit
  Students who are from 14-17 years old in junior school don’t get into a good habit of reading English. First, they spend little time in reading training in daily exercise, for most students have no interest in doing reading comprehension, which has many unknown words in it. Second, the students cannot skip over the words and sentences, they just read word by word, and their attention is focused only on word symbol, which distracts their whole reading clues. Third, most students use partial reading, back reading , their comprehension is connected to some words or sentences, and they can not get entire meaning before class, and they rely much on teacher’s explanation and translation, they has no motivation to read the article.
1.2.3 Poor English reading skill
    Most students do not know how to make use of basic reading comprehension skills, such as skimming, scanning, previewing and reviewing text. For example, they are not clear about skimming is to skim common, unrelated information and grasp the main idea as quickly as possible, especially look for important information and words. Scanning is to seek some key data and important words etc. However , they always seek words by words in sentences and key sentences in paragraphs, which can conclude and summarize the main idea of the article. apparent meaning make the students puzzle. They cannot infer the meaning of sentence from a large number of clues to infer the author’s intention logically. So a teacher should develop students’ reading skills gradually which improve the students’ reading ability is very important.
    From problems mentioned above in English reading in junior middle school, we
can see the present situation of English reading teaching clearly. In such a situation, is task-based language teaching effective in improving the students’ English reading ability? It is this problem that the present author is going to study in this thesis.
2  Literature  review
2.1 About Task-based language teaching
2.1.1 Definition of a task本文来自优'文.论-文|网
   What does the term “task” mean? Task, slowly emerging since the 1980's, has challenged the traditional itemized form-based methodology. First, we must define the concept of "task" in terms of language learning and teaching. Much has been written about definitions of tasks and the role of tasks in second language acquisition. A review of literature supplies a variety of definitions. They are listed as follows in chronological order:
(1)A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. Thus examples of tasks include painting a fence, dressing a child...In other words, by "task" is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life, at play, and in between.
(2)...any structured language learning endeavor which has" particular objective, appropriate content, "specified wording procedure, and a range of outcomes for those who undertake the task. "Task" is, therefore, assumed to refer to a range of work-plans which have the overall purpose facilitating language learning form the simple and brief exercise type, to more complex and lengthy activities such as group problem-solving or simulations and decision making.    毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com                                                                                   
    (3)[A task is] an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given   information through some process of thought, and which allowed teachers to control and regulate that process.
    (4)Tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome.                      (Willis,1996:23)                                                                                                 (5)A task is an activity in which 1) meaning is primary 2) learners are not given
other people's meanings to regurgitate. 3) there is some sort of relationship to
comparable real-world activities.4)task completion has priority, and 5)the assessment
of the task is in terms of outcome.       (Skehan,1998:9)
(6)A task is an activity which requires learners to use language, with emphasis on meaning, to attain an objective.
                                    (Bygate, Skehan , and Swain,2001)
All the above experts have given their definitions to task respectively with different aspects of a task. For example, Breen regards a task as a work-plan, which includes all kinds of exercises or activities. However, Skehan gives the definition by discussing the features of a task, and the last one given by Bygate, Skehan and Swain in 2001 is the shortest, which presents only basic components of a task.
From the above-listed varied definitions,we can see three basic features:
1)to attain an objective;
2)Meaning is emphasized;
3)Communication-oriented and requiring use of the language.
To sum up, my definition of task is as follow:
A task consists of a series of different activities,  that the students do in the class or after class using the target language to grasp the knowledge by means of finishing the task. 

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